How to become a member
Liiton jäseneksi voivat liittyä suomalaiset korkeakoulut ja niiden opiskelija- ja ylioppilaskunnat. Opiskelijoiden Liikuntaliiton jäsenyys tarjoaa asiantuntijapalveluja, tietoa ja arjen tukea korkeakoululiikunnan kehittämiseen sekä opiskelijoille pääsyn kansalliseen ja kansainväliseen kilpailutoimintaan. Olemalla OLL:n jäsen osallistut vaikuttamistyöhön opiskelija- ja korkeakoululiikunnan puolesta.
Become a member of your student union or student association. Members of OLL’s member organisations are automatically members of OLL. Check if your student union or association is a member of OLL on Our members page.
If your student union or association is not yet a member of OLL, contact the Board or Representative Council of your student union or association and ask them to join OLL.
Student unions and student associations
Make a decision to join OLL. If the regulations of your student union or student association do not state otherwise, the Board can make the decision to join OLL. It is common practice, however, for the Representative Council or a similar body to decide whether to join an association or not.
Send an official document to OLL via email or post, containing the decision to join OLL and the required signatures from your corporation’s signatories, as stated in your regulations. You can find our up-to-date contact details on the Contact information page.
If you want more detailed information to support the decision-making process of your Board or Representative Council, please contact us. We will be happy to tell your Board or Representative Council more about membership in OLL.
Finnish universities and universities of applied sciences may join as members of OLL. may include national, regional and local associations, foundations and other incorporated societies in the sports, health and student sectors.
University members have one (1) vote to use at the annual OLL General Assembly. You will also get to participate in OLL’s national advocacy work for the benefit of student sports.
Universities can join the Network of Academic Sports Services at a discounted member price. Read more about the Network of Academic Sports Services.
Page last updated 9.2.2025