Greenstar hotels
As a student member of the Finnish Student Sports Federation, you can saty at the environmentally friendly Greenstar hotels at a reduced price!
Hotel accommodation
GreenStar hotels offers OLL members affordable accommodation from the already low prices for work and leisure travel in Joensuu, Jyväskylä, Lahti, Oulu and Vaasa.
The discount is 13% of the cheapest daily room rate.
The well-equipped and energy-efficient hotels offer high-quality and environmentally friendly accommodation in rooms for 1–3 people for one room price. You don't pay for things you don't need - you book additional services only according to your own needs.
More information about the Greenstar membership benefit
GreenStar Hotels Oy offers unlimited rooms at contract prices (LRA Last Room Available). The hotel has the right to check the OLL membership.
How do I get the benefit?
- Use the form below to request a reservation code that entitles you to a discount. Since the discount is intended for members of student unions that are members of OLL, you need to attach a photo of your student card to the form.
- Book accommodation and use the code you received by email at
Page last updated 23.5.2023