Articles with category: News
On this page you will find all our published news stories, statements, press releases and blog posts in one place. You can use the categories below to filter the results. You can also search for articles on a specific topic. The topics are marked with a #-symbol in each article.
The office of OLL is on holiday in July
Published:The office of OLL is on holiday in July.
Read more about article: The office of OLL is on holiday in July
OLL's general assembly will be held in Vuokatti on 1-3 November
Published:The statutory general meeting of the Finnish Student Sports Federation (OLL) will be held at Vuokatti Sport Olympic Training Center from 1 to 3 November 2022.
Read more about article: OLL's general assembly will be held in Vuokatti on 1-3 November
Haemme nyt Opiskelijoiden Liikuntaliittoon pääsihteerin sijaista!
Published:Pääsihteerinä pääset toimimaan liiton hallituksen alaisena liiton toiminnanjohtajana sekä toimiston esihenkilönä, vastaat liiton talouden hoidosta, hallituksen päätösten toimeenpanosta ja kehität liiton toimintaa ja varainhankintaa. Tällä hetkellä liiton toiminnan kehittämisen keskiössä on liiton jäsenyysmallin uudistaminen. Huolehdit myös osaltasi liiton yhteyksistä Suomen liikunta-, opiskelija- ja nuorisopolitiikan vaikuttajiin sekä kansainvälisiin kattojärjestöihin.
Read more about article: Haemme nyt Opiskelijoiden Liikuntaliittoon pääsihteerin sijaista!
OLL comments on the results of the health and wellbeing survey – the solutions emphasise exercise, community, and varied life situations
Published:When it comes to supporting students’ coping and ability to study, it’s time to go from research results to actions. At the webinar on the results from the KOTT study, OLL's 1st Vice President Tekla Hahl spoke about the opportunities within the universities on the move programme and acknowledging students’ varied life situations.
SELL Students Games in Riga 20–22.5 – there’s still time to join the most laid-back student sports event of the year!
Published:After a two-year Covid-break, the most fun student exercise and sports event of the year, SELL Student Games, will take place in Riga in Latvia on the 20–22 May. These Games have no level requirements, so anyone can take part!
Student Newsletter 1/2022
Published:From the Student Newsletter, you can pick up news of interest to you or the university students for your organization’s own communication.
Applications open for FISU Volunteer Leaders Academy
Published:The International Student Sports Federation FISU is looking for new national representatives for FISU Volunteer Leaders Academy for the year 2022. The aim of the academy is to offer students an international opportunity to develop as leaders and to promote student sports both in Finland and internationally.
Read more about article: Applications open for FISU Volunteer Leaders Academy
Apply for a volunteering position at the World University Championships
Published:The International university sports federation FISU is looking for volunteers for the 2022 World University Championships. Students will compete in 14 different events all over the world.
Read more about article: Apply for a volunteering position at the World University Championships
The Activity Alert visited OLL’s General Assembly in Kuortane
Published:The Activity Alert, which has become very popular at the University of Glasgow in Scotland, visited OLL’s General Assembly at Kuortane Olympic Training Center.
Read more about article: The Activity Alert visited OLL’s General Assembly in Kuortane
Nominated for OLL's Board: Pekko Pirhonen
Published:Article is published only in Finnish. Pekko Pirhonen on ehdolla OLL:n hallituksen jäseneksi. Hän toimii liikuntakoordinaattorina Moveo-liikuntapalveluissa. Liiton uusi hallitus valitaan liittokokouksessa 11. marraskuuta.
Read more about article: Nominated for OLL's Board: Pekko Pirhonen
Student sports club, apply for funding to develop your activities
Published:Read more about article: Student sports club, apply for funding to develop your activities
Nominated for OLL's Board: Jani Ressi
Published:Jani Ressi is the student union METKA's candidate for the vice president of OLL. He is the event manager of the student union board. The new board of OLL will be elected at the general assembly on November 11th.
Read more about article: Nominated for OLL's Board: Jani Ressi
Jussi Ansala: Five perspectives on better higher education sports
Published:Jussi Ansala, Senior Special Advisor for University Sport at OLL, analysed the makings of better higher education sports at the SeAMK Sports seminar held on 1 October at Seinäjoki University of Applied Sciences.
Read more about article: Jussi Ansala: Five perspectives on better higher education sports
Snitch the Flamer of the year!
Published:Do you have an idea of who the next Flame of the Year could be?
High-performance sports and Higher Education on the Move cooperation in the early autumn webinars
Published:Autumn brings with it interesting webinars on university sports!
Super deals for Naisten Kymppi
Published:Opiskelijoiden Liikuntaliitto tarjoaa huippuhintaan osallistumisen Naisten Kympille ja Naisten Kympin LadieSmile sarjaan. Hyödynnä etu!
The OLL office’s holiday dates this summer
Published:The OLL office will be on holiday mainly in July.
Read more about article: The OLL office’s holiday dates this summer
Mission accomplished
Published:One year ago, we published our Environmental Responsibility Programme. How did we do, and how has the Environmental Responsibility Programme changed our activities?
Physical activity fixes the corona-induced wellbeing deficiency
Published:Distance learning, forced by corona constraints, easily exposes the student to difficulties in concentration, body aches and loneliness. Even before the corona, students sat for nearly 11 hours a day. In light of these facts, higher education sports are a necessary pillar of student and staff well-being now in the final stages of the pandemic as well as when studies move back to campuses.
Read more about article: Physical activity fixes the corona-induced wellbeing deficiency
Tips for organising online sports events
Published:Online lectures, online meetings, online coffee breaks, online birthdays... Everyone is fed up and frustrated with anything starting with the qualifier ‘online’. There is one exception: sports events. They are usually preceded by the word “cancelled”.
Read more about article: Tips for organising online sports events
Join the Higher Education on the Move mailing list!
Published:We will offer you interesting information on how higher education institutes can make study days more physically active and healthy! By joining the mailing list you will keep up with the latest webinars, ideas and services for higher education institutes.
Read more about article: Join the Higher Education on the Move mailing list!
Opiskelijoiden Liikuntaliitto yhdessä YTHS:n kanssa järjestää Ergonomia etäopiskelussa -webinaarin
Published:Opiskelu on siirtynyt väliaikaisesti koteihin ja näyttöjen taakse. Koronan jälkeenkin on odotettavissa, että korkeakouluissa opiskellaan aiempaa enemmän verkossa. Webinaarissa käsittelemme miten etäopiskelusta saa nautinnollisempaa ja vähemmän jumittavaa!
Työryhmähaku: Tule mukaan miettimään OLL:n ja opiskelijaliikunnan tulevaisuutta!
Published:OLL:n hallitus on päättänyt perustaa jäsenyystyöryhmän ja liikuntapoliittisen linjapaperin sparrausryhmän. Lue lisätiedot alta ja hae ryhmiin 12.3.2021 mennessä!
OLL: Physical activity must be taken into account in the education policy report
Published:Last week, we issued an opinion on the government's education policy report. In it, we emphasize the promotion of students' physical activity.
Parkour and ultimate offered to higher education institutions!
Published:The project Parkouria ja ultimatea opiskelijoille (Parkour and ultimate for students) supports increasing physical activity and exercise among students through these sports. With the help of the project, we are able to offer sports try-outs to higher education institutions at a reasonable price using, if possible, the facilities of the educational institution or nearby facilities. Sports try-outs can be carried out very flexibly, for example, as part of events and exercise sessions. Sports try-outs can also be offered as sports courses.
Read more about article: Parkour and ultimate offered to higher education institutions!
Student sports club, apply for funding to develop your activities
Published:Read more about article: Student sports club, apply for funding to develop your activities
Ehdokasesittelyssä Anna Salo
Published:OLL:n hallitusehdokkaat esittäytyvät liiton nettisivuilla ja Instagram-tilillä. Uusi hallitus valitaan liittokokouksessa 18.–19.11.2020. Kolmantena esittelyssä on Anna Salo, joka on ehdolla hallituksen jäseneksi.
Ehdokasesittelyssä Okko Karvonen
Published:OLL:n hallitusehdokkaat esittäytyvät liiton nettisivuilla ja Instagram-tilillä. Uusi hallitus valitaan liittokokouksessa 18.–19.11.2020. Toisena esittelyssä on Okko Karvonen, joka on ehdolla hallituksen jäseneksi.
Ehdokasesittelyssä Julia Tuuri
Published:OLL:n hallitusehdokkaat esittäytyvät liiton nettisivuilla ja Instagram-tilillä. Uusi hallitus valitaan liittokokouksessa 18.–19.11.2020. Ensimmäisenä esittelyssä on puheenjohtajaehdokas Julia Tuuri.
Effects of the coronavirus pandemic on Finnish higher education sports
Published:In the late spring of 2020, the National Sports Council commissioned a report on the situation in the sports sector. The report completely forgot the Finnish higher education sports services. On the basis of the National Sports Council’s questionnaires, the Finnish Student Sports Federation (OLL) carried out its own survey for those working in higher education sports.
Read more about article: Effects of the coronavirus pandemic on Finnish higher education sports
Page last updated 30.8.2020