Articles with category: Press release
On this page you will find all our published news stories, statements, press releases and blog posts in one place. You can use the categories below to filter the results. You can also search for articles on a specific topic. The topics are marked with a #-symbol in each article.
Kristiina Teppo chosen temporary Communications Specialist
Published:Kristiina Teppo has been chosen as the temporary Communications Specialist of the Finnish Student Sports Federation, standing in for Niko Peltokangas, who is currently in the position of the federation’s Secretary General.
Read more about article: Kristiina Teppo chosen temporary Communications Specialist
Student Newsletter 3/2022
Published:From the Student Newsletter, you can pick up news of interest to you or the university students for your organization’s own communication.
OLL’s Cooper Test for high-quality university sports will take place on the Exercise Day of Your Dreams
Published:Today on the 10th of May, the Finnish Student Sports Federation (OLL) is organising OLL’s Cooper Test on the Eläintarha sports field in Helsinki. The Federation has invited university sports activists and stakeholders to test their fitness levels with a Cooper Test or UKK walk test.
Opiskelijoiden Liikuntaliitto yhtyy vaatimukseen Olympiakomitean ylimääräisestä yhdistyksen kokouksesta
Published:Opiskelijoiden Liikuntaliitto (OLL) kannattaa Sulkapalloliiton vaatimusta Olympiakomitean ylimääräisen yhdistyksen kokouksen koollekutsumisesta. Liikuntayhteisön kannattaa luoda tilaa keskustelulle ja päätöksille, jotka edistävät yhdenvertaisuuden toteutumista Olympiakomitean toiminnassa.
Student Newsletter 2/2022
Published:From the Student Newsletter, you can pick up news of interest to you or the university students for your organization’s own communication.
The higher education community of the Helsinki metropolitan area gets together: EveryMoveCounts-campaign starts!
Published:The well-being of higher education students has been put to the test during the occurring pandemic. The goal of the EveryMoveCounts-campaign is to increase the students’ awareness of the benefits of daily movement for their well-being. The campaign aims to especially reach sedentary students who aren’t particularly interested in sports and exercise.
The OLL Board divided areas of responsibilities
Published:The Board of the Finnish Student Sports Federation (OLL) for 2022 held their constitutive meeting and divided areas of responsibilities among themselves. The Board also decided on the respective sponsored student unions (list below).
Read more about article: The OLL Board divided areas of responsibilities
Student, county elections also affect you!
Published:The historic regional county elections will be held for the first time in January 2022. The Finnish Student Sports Federation (OLL), University of Applied Sciences Students in Finland – SAMOK and National Union of University Students in Finland want to remind the students of the importance of the county elections.
Read more about article: Student, county elections also affect you!
Essi Lumme elected as President of the Finnish Student Sports Federation
Published:The new President of the Finnish Student Sports Federation (OLL) for 2022 is Essi Lumme. She is currently the Vice-President of the Federation. At the General Assembly, which ended today in Kuortane, Jani Ressi and ZZ were elected as OLL’s new Vice-Presidents, while Pekko Pirhonen was elected as Member of the Board.
Read more about article: Essi Lumme elected as President of the Finnish Student Sports Federation
The future of student sports will be outlined at Kuortane on 10–11 November
Published:Higher education students will draw up their sports policy guidelines and elect a new board for the Finnish Student Sports Federation (OLL) at their General Assembly at Kuortane Olympic Training Center on 10–11 November.
Read more about article: The future of student sports will be outlined at Kuortane on 10–11 November
The Finnish Student Sports Federation moves to Sporttitalo
Published:The Finnish Student Sports Federation (OLL) will move from Kamppi to Pitäjänmäki in Helsinki in February 2022. The new address is Sporttitalo, located at Valimotie 10, where dozens of other sports organizations operate.
Read more about article: The Finnish Student Sports Federation moves to Sporttitalo
Change in OLL's membership
Published:The Student Union of the University of Eastern Finland has decided to resign from the Finnish Student Sports Federation.
Students, use your vote in advance!
Published:Advance voting has become even more important for students after the municipal election was postponed. A significant portion of students move away from where they study for the summer months, which is why advance voting is a good way for students to make a difference in the municipal elections.
Read more about article: Students, use your vote in advance!
Jatkokysely koronan vaikutuksista korkeakoululiikuntaan on nyt ulkona
Published:Elämme yhä koronan vaikutusten kanssa ja eritasoisia rajoituksia on yhä voimassa ympäri Suomea. Haluamme selvittää korkeakoululiikunnan tilannetta jatkoksi viime vuotiselle kyselylle. Kysely on koostettu aiempien kysymysten pohjalta.
Read more about article: Jatkokysely koronan vaikutuksista korkeakoululiikuntaan on nyt ulkona
Joint municipal election campaign by student organisations: we make a better student city together
Published:The student organisations’ joint municipal election campaign wants to encourage students to vote and increase the awareness of international students’ right to vote.
SportUni became cooperation member to OLL
Published:SportUni was accepted as a member on February 9th. SportUni provides sport services for students and personnel of Tampere Universities. Welcome aboard!
Read more about article: SportUni became cooperation member to OLL
Students and teachers want less sitting and more movement in education
Published:In their new video, The Finnish Student Sports Federation (OLL) and The Union for University Teachers and Researchers in Finland (YLL) begin the fight for reduced sitting time and more active teaching models. The video Movement drives Achy away shows in a concise way how to tame “Achy” arising from a lack of movement – that is, how moving more can increase energy and lead to better study results.
Read more about article: Students and teachers want less sitting and more movement in education
The OLL Board divided areas of responsibilities and is heading towards municipal elections
Published:The Board of the Finnish Student Sports Federation (OLL) for 2021 held their constitutive meeting and divided areas of responsibilities among themselves. The Board also decided on the respective sponsored student unions (list below).
Julia Tuuri was elected as the President of The Finnish Student Sports Federation
Published:Today on Thursday, the remotely held General Assembly of The Finnish Student Sports Federation (OLL) elected a new Board for 2021.
The first remote General Assembly of the Finnish Student Sports Federation will be held on 18–19 November 2020
Published:This year, the General Assembly of the Finnish Student Sports Federation (OLL) will be held remotely for the first time. At the General Assembly on 18–19 November, the higher education students will outline OLL’s future activities and elect the President and Board for the Federation for next year.
Esitämme Harri Nurmea Allianssin hallitukseen
Published:Opiskelijoiden Liikuntaliitto (OLL) esittää pitkäaikaista nuorisoalan toimijaa Harri Nurmea nuorisoalan kattojärjestön Allianssin hallitukseen. Nurmi toimi OLL:n varapuheenjohtajana vuonna 2019.
Read more about article: Esitämme Harri Nurmea Allianssin hallitukseen
Muutoksia OLL:n jäsenistössä
Published:Lapin yliopiston ylioppilaskunta - LYY ja Snellman-korkeakoulun ylioppilaskunta - SKY ovat tiedottaneet eroavansa Opiskelijoiden Liikuntaliitto OLL:sta. Suhtaudumme valitettaviin ilmoituksiin niiden vaatimalla vakavuudella.
Page last updated 30.8.2020