Desicion makers interviewed in the election series of the Opiskelijaliike podcast

In the first episode of the Opiskelijaliike podcast's eletion series we get to hear what Marko Asell (Social Democratic Party of Finland), Kike Elomaa (Finns Party) and Sari Multala (National Coalition Party) think about the situation regarding university sports. How would they increase unviersity students' possibilities for more movement and exercise?

In the Worth moving for election series, we interview MPs and parliamentary election candidates of the parties elected to parliament. With the interviewees, we discuss e.g. on the financing of university sports and investing in the health of university students. The interviews were conducted with each of the interviewees separately, but the same questions were presented to everyone. The Opiskelijaliike podcast can also be found on SoundCloud and Spotify.

The Finnish Student Sports Federation has four goals in the elections. We want university sports to be taken into account in the funding of higher education institutions, the funding for the Universities on the Move programme is continued, that students and university sports are acknowledged in the legislation, and that the Finnish model is extended to include students in secondary and higher education. In other words, more resources should be put into university sports and the well-being of students. The equality of student well-being should be guaranteed throughout the country.

The podcast is in Finnish.

Read more about OLL's election goals at
The webpage of the Worth moving for campaign is

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