University sports ambassador wanted for international programme

The International University Sports Federation FISU is looking for students to join their FISU Student Ambassador programme for 2025–2026. The purpose of the programme is to train university sports ambassadors to promote university sports and an active lifestyle at home and abroad.

Students aged 18–25 with an interest in sports and exercise and who speak English can apply to the programme. Programme participants must be able to join a remote event 12–13.9.2025. Find out more about the selection criteria here.

The FISU Student Ambassador programme is an excellent opportunity to learn how to promote sports and exercise, get an insight into the international side of the sector, and network with other student activists. No fee or other compensation is paid for this role. The Student Ambassador will work closely with the advisors of the Finnish Student Sports Federation (OLL).

Those interested can get in touch with Niko Peltokangas, Head of Communications and International Affairs at OLL (0469211215,

Comments from previous Finnish participants:

“The first thing that comes to mind is contacts from all over the world! You learn to understand other cultures and people in a completely different way when you get to interact with them. You also get cheap holiday destinations and experiences when you have friends all over Europe – I just visited my friend Fien in Belgium. Even though FISU isn’t very well-known among my friends in Finland, it’s a much bigger thing abroad, and it makes for a great addition to your CV if you want to work abroad in the future!”

Tia Saharinen, University of Eastern Finland, programme participant in 2024–2025 (in the middle of the picture participating in the FISU Forum, Croatia in August 2024)

“In a nutshell: it’s worth applying to the FISU Student Ambassador programme, because it offers a wide variety of training on different topics, as well as the opportunity to participate in and influence the world of international university sports.”

Lari Koskinen, Metropolia University of Applied Sciences, programme participant in 2023–2024

“The most valuable thing was to see and experience people’s excitement for university sports! Conditions vary significantly in different parts of the world, but what we all have in common is the will to move things forward. I would recommend this programme to anyone who has an interest in university sports and wants new life experiences! No previous experience needed, you will get the chance to pick up all the knowledge and skills you need along the way.”

Antti Pentikäinen, Aalto University, programme participant in 2020

Niko Peltokangas

Head of Communications & International Affairs

Author profile: Niko Peltokangas

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