#getoffyourarse, #perseetpenkistä and #studentsonthemoveNOW!

The average student sits for approximately 11 hours per day. These extreme numbers are influenced by the higher education environment which makes students passive, forcing them to sit in lecture after lecture without refreshing breaks that are important for their health. Here at the Finnish Student Sports Federation, we demand that the Studies on the Move programme should include the entire higher education sector in the coming government term.

As the parliamentary elections are coming, we are organising an event on 12 February where our Board and staff and the representatives in charge of sports will try to get people at the main building of the University of Helsinki moving. Come along to see who wins: the enthusiasm of the students or the static structures of the university!

In March, we will also hold a panel debate on sports for the parliamentary election candidates. We will invite members of parliament who are important from a sport policy perspective to join us. We will publish more information about the event later on, so keep an eye on our social media channels and our website.

Twitter and Instagram: @liikuntaliitto
Facebook: Opiskelijoiden Liikuntaliitto – OLL

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