Guidebook to OLL’s events: How to weave your way through the jungle of training sessions and networks

From time to time, our members ask us to explain the Federation’s various events, and quite right too! You may be getting invitations to all kinds of networks and events for university sports, all with slightly different names, target audiences and approaches. After reading this, you will know exactly which of them will be the most beneficial to you.

1. Universities on the Move Days, i.e. UM Days

Who is it for? Student unions, university staff members and others with an interest in university sports.

What is it? The UM Days, formerly known as the Sports sector meeting, now has a new name and a wider target audience. During the UM Days we will discuss the latest news in university sports, network and relax with some nice activities. The topic of the first UM Day of the year (in February) is always sports tutoring.

When is it? Three times a year; twice in the spring and once in the autumn.

Where is it? Different university towns.

2. Universities on the Move Network

Who is it for? All those who are interested in improving university sports, such as university sports service users, service producers and interest groups. The aim is to bring together all those who can help us increase everyday physical activity in the university environment. 20 universities are already involved!

What is it? Remote learning and networking events where we can all share our latest news and focus on a specific topic. Read more about what the network is up to here.

When is it? Every 2–3 months throughout the year.

Where is it? Remotely via Google Meet.

3. Sports Services Network Meeting

Who is it for? University sports service staff, such as sports coordinators.

What is it? These two-day network meetings offer access to a national network of colleagues, the opportunity to exchange experiences and good practices, peer support, networking and training. The shared goal is to improve the opportunities of students and staff members to exercise in the Finnish university community.

When is it? Every year at the end of May and November.

Where is it? Different towns and cities, hosted by the local university sports services.

Upcoming events of each type have been listed on OLL’s Events page. Make sure to add them to your own diary! We look forward to seeing you at our events, welcome!

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