Kansalaistorilla 22.2. kisataan päättäjien ja korkeakoululiikunnan edustajien välillä

Opiskelijoiden Liikuntaliiton (OLL) Liikuttavan arvokas -eduskuntavaalikampanja avataan yhteisellä tempauksella 22. helmikuuta klo 14, jolloin opiskelu- ja työpäivää tauotetaan 54 minuutin ajan liikkumisen merkeissä. Helsingin Kansalaistorilla päästään sekä liikkumaan yhdessä että seuraamaan päättäjiä ja korkeakoululiikuntaa edustavien joukkueiden välistä kisailua. 

The event at Kansalaistori is open to everyone, and passers-by are welcome to participate in the joint, low-threshold break exercise led by UniSport.

The competition of the event starts at 2:30 pm. In addition to OLL's president Emilia Junnila, the team representing university sports includes Petri Keskitalo, head of the Sports and Physical Lifestyle Unit from the Olympic Committee, Lotta Leinonen and Joonas Soukkio, presidents of the National Union of University Students on Finland (SYL) and National Union of Students in Finnish Universities of Applied Sciences (SAMOK), as well as Nyyti ry president Miisa Tervala and influencing specialist Tommi Yläkangas. Participants in the decision-makers' team are Sari Essayah (Christian Democrats of Finland), Atte Harjanne (Green League), Iina Ilmarinen (Movement Now), Mai Kivelä (Left Alliance), Pasi Kivisaari (Centre Party), Karoliina Kähönen (Movement Now), Sari Multala (National Coalition Party) and Mikko Ollikainen (Swedish People's Party of Finland). The teams measure each other in tug-of-war and ball relay.

"Up to 54% of university students do not get enough exercise in their everyday life. There are enough recommendations and exhortations to exercise, but now we also need structural changes and money for universities to make exercise a normal part of student life. With a playful competition, we want to bring the decision-makers to this discussion with us," says OLL president Emilia Junnila.

Events also in Vaasa and Jyväskylä

OLL carries out advocacy work for university students nationwide, and Kansalaistori in Helsinki is not the only place where the study and work day is interrupted on the day of the joint stunt. For example, the student union of the University of Vaasa organizes a joint walk on Palosaari in the name of the campaign, and the student union of the Jyväskylä University of Applied Sciences organizes a walk and break exercise.

Svenska Handelshögskolans Studentkår, on the other hand, due to schedule overlaps, will carry out their participation already on Tuesday, February 21st, when a 54-minute dance practice will be organized for the students according to the needs of the anniversary week.

"We are really happy that the campaign is taking hold all over Finland. Everyone can participate even without participating in the event by interrupting work at home and going for a short walk, for example," says Junnila.

More information

Emilia Junnila
The Finnish Student Sports Federation
emilia.junnila@oll.fi / +358 44 7800 211

Read more about the campaign on the Liikuttavan arvokas campaign site!

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