Final episode of the election podcast

In the final episode of our election podcast we got to interview Silja Borgarsdóttir Sandelin (Swedish People's Party of Finland), Sari Essayah (Christian Democrats of Finland) and Karoliina Kähönen (Movement Now). What do they think about investing in measures to prevent the deterioration of well-being, in order to avoid a crisis in social and health care?

The episode is part of our podcast Worth moving for election series, in which we interview MPs and parliamentary election candidates of the parties elected to parliament. With the interviewees, we discuss e.g. on the financing of university sports and investing in the health of university students. The interviews were conducted with each of the interviewees separately, but the same questions were presented to everyone. The Opiskelijaliike podcast can also be found on SoundCloud and Spotify.

The podcast is in Finnish.

Liikuttavan arvokas Jakso 1
Marko Asell (Social Democratic Party of Finland)
Kike Elomaa (Finns Party)
Sari Multala (National Coalition Party)

Liikuttavan arvokas Jakso 2
Timo Furuholm (Left Alliance)
Shawn Huff (Green League)
Hanna Kosonen (Centre Party)

Liikuttavan arvokas Jakso 3
Silja Borgarsdóttir Sandelin (Swedish People's Party of Finland)
Sari Essayah (Christian Democrats of Finland)
Karoliina Kähönen (Movement Now)

Read more about OLL's election goals at
The webpage of the Worth moving for campaign is

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