Municipal solutions: Local exercise as part of a functional city
Cities and municipalities have a key role to play in determining the opportunities people have to do exercise in their everyday life. Exercise does not have to be limited to separate workout sessions or gym visits: it is easy to adopt an active lifestyle if the urban environment supports walking, cycling and local exercise. Especially for students, who often have limited resources and schedules, accessible opportunities for exercise are important, writes OLL’s 1st Vice President, Nette Rimpioja.
Municipalities have a responsibility to promote the wellbeing of their residents, and one of the most effective ways to do this is by designing urban areas so that they support everyday physical activity. Pedestrian and bicycle ways, safe cycling routes, and well-timed winter maintenance can be the factors that determine whether students choose to walk or cycle or rely on other alternatives.
Cycling and walking are not only environmentally friendly and inexpensive forms of transport, they are also proven to be good for your health. Municipalities should therefore invest in the development of pedestrian and bicycle networks and ensure that there are enough bicycle racks and park-and-ride arrangements and that they are located where they are needed. Affordable city bikes and improved accessibility also help in adopting an active lifestyle.
For a couple of years now, I have included urban cycling in my everyday exercise routines. I can feel the benefits even in class: my energy levels are better after using my muscles instead of public transport or a car. I recommend everyone to be more physically active in their everyday life this year; it will improve your fitness and save you money!
More sports facilities near campus areas and student housing
Cities’ sports facilities do not have to be limited to large sports halls and centres that are located far away from the areas where students spend most of their time. Accessible and low-threshold local sports facilities can be crucial to maintaining an active lifestyle. Outdoor gyms, sports parks and jogging trails near campus areas and student housing provide an easy way to add physical activity to everyday life.
Municipalities should work together with universities, student accommodation providers and student organisations to ensure that sports facilities meet students’ needs. For example, building multi-purpose fields, climbing walls and frisbee golf courses can make local sports more attractive and varied.
Making exercising in nature accessible
Exercising in nature has positive effects on physical and mental health. Access to recreational destinations, such as forest trails, beaches and ski trails, should be ensured through good public transport connections and pedestrian and bicycle routes.
It is the responsibility of municipalities to make sure that recreational routes are accessible to those who do not have their own car. Well-marked and maintained routes, efficient public transport, and the extension of cycle paths to recreational destinations can lower the threshold for students to go outdoors and exercise.
A student-friendly city of the future
Promoting local exercise is part of a wider urban planning process that puts the wellbeing of residents first. With small but significant decisions, municipalities can build a more student-friendly urban environment that encourages exercise. Healthy students need fewer services from the wellbeing services county, and the municipality benefits from even small fluctuations in wellbeing and health indicators.
Elections are an opportunity to influence the decisions that are taken in municipalities and wellbeing services counties. Decision-making must be based on the idea that everyone, including students, has easy and affordable access to varied exercise. By investing in local exercise, municipalities are investing in the wellbeing and quality of life of their residents.

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Page last updated 12.3.2025