Nicklas Nyman as anniversary coordinator of Student Sports 100 Years
The 100th anniversary of The Finnish Student Sports Federation (OLL) will be celebrated in 2024. Nicklas Nyman will start at OLL as the anniversary coordinator of the Student Sports 100 Years jubilee year.

Nicklas Nyman has worked both in event production in the city of Helsinki and as an event planner for Metropolia University of Applied Sciences student union METKA. He has a background in telecommunications technology and cultural production.
"It's great to be able to participate in OLL's 100th anniversary celebrations! Working at METKA, I have already gotten to know OLL's operations, and the cooperation has always been smooth, so I'm sure that the jubilee year will be memorable for everyone. See you on the field!" Nyman says.
As OLL's anniversary coordinator, Nyman will be responsible for organizing the 2024 Student Sports 100 Years celebrations and events. Nyman started in the position in August.
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Page last updated 28.8.2023