OLL got the government negotiators moving

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On Wednesday 15 May 2019, the Finnish Student Sports Federation (OLL) took part in the government programme watch, which was organised by the National Union of University Students in Finland (SYL) and the University of Applied Sciences Students in Finland – SAMOK. OLL had a strong presence all day and promoted its aims for the government programme in a visible way. In front of the House of the Estates, one could spot the #studentsonthemoveNOW banner, which aimed to remind the negotiators of our wish to extend the Students on the Move programme properly to all higher education institutions.

“The Schools on the Move programme, which was one of the previous Government’s spearhead projects, was very successful, and it got comprehensive schools to pay attention to the importance of exercise in the school environment. The new Government should continue where the previous one left off. The Students on the Move programme should be extended properly to all higher education institutions so that the universities can support their students’ physical activity,” Harri Nurmi, Vice President of the Finnish Student Sports Federation, demands.

However, OLL was not content with only holding up a banner – we also decided to help the government negotiators to keep their energy levels high during the tiring negotiations. Our Staff and Board members were handing out energy gels to the negotiators in front of the House of the Estates to help them get through the long and tough negotiations. The negotiators were also given OLL’s goals for the government programme. Government negotiator Antti Rinne also received an energy gel.

In addition to the gels, energy levels were also increased by the exercise sessions organised by OLL, where the negotiators could take part in the #perseetpenkistä hopscotch. Throughout the day, several negotiators came and chatted to us about sports and the importance of exercise. Our aims were well received in general.

“During the spring, it became clear that all political parties are in favour of promoting exercise. But it’s a question of priorities; exercise tends to be left behind other priorities when we start to look at things from an economic perspective. But now it’s time for the negotiators to go from words to actions. We really hope to see the promotion of exercise included in the new government programme,” states Vice President Nurmi.

More information:

Jussi Ansala
Special Advisor for University Sport
tel. +358 44 780 0214

Harri Nurmi
OLL Vice President
tel. +358 44 780 0215

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