OLL’s finance committee has begun its work

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At its General Assembly 20‒21 November 2019, the Finnish Student Sports Federation (OLL) decided to appoint a Finance Committee for the Federation. The Federation’s Board elected the Committee members based on proposals made by the member organisations, and the Committee held its first meeting on 28 April 2020. 

The purpose of the Finance Committee is to help the Board to oversee the Federation’s financial management and adherence to the budget. If required, the Committee will also prepare matters related to the Federation’s finances for discussion by the Board, e.g. the medium-term financial plan which is drawn up with the strategy.

At its first meeting, the Committee familiarised itself with OLL’s finances and special characteristics and drew up goals for the next two years. The current Financial Committee will remain in their posts throughout 2020 and 2021.

Members of the Financial Committee 2020–2021:

Tea Sissonen (Helga), Chairperson

Johanna Lindh (METKA), Vice-chairperson

Onni Kuparinen (KOE)

Tiina Salmi (VYY)

Antti Pentikäinen (OLL)

Ida Bolander (OLL), Secretary and Rapporteur

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