Opiskelijaliike election podcast series' second episode is featured by Timo Furuholm, Shawn Huff and Hanna Kosonen

In the second episode of the Opiskelijaliike podcast's election series, former professional athletes Timo Furuholm (Left Alliance), Shawn Huff (Green League) and Hanna Kosonen (Centre Party) talk about how to make exercise more easily a part of everyday life and how to invest in the well-being of university students.

The episode is part of our podcast Worth moving for election series, in which we interview MPs and parliamentary election candidates of the parties elected to parliament. With the interviewees, we discuss e.g. on the financing of university sports and investing in the health of university students. The interviews were conducted with each of the interviewees separately, but the same questions were presented to everyone. You can listen to the first episode of the series here. The Opiskelijaliike podcast can also be found on SoundCloud and Spotify.

The podcast is in Finnish.

Read more about OLL's election goals at oll.fi/parliamentary-elections.
The webpage of the Worth moving for campaign is oll.fi/liikuttavanarvokas-en.

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