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On this page you will find all our published news stories, statements, press releases and blog posts in one place. You can use the categories below to filter the results. You can also search for articles on a specific topic. The topics are marked with a #-symbol in each article.
Network event in Vaasa brings university sports service providers and service users together
Published:OLL’s network event held in Vaasa on the 21st and 22nd of May brought together university sports service providers and student union sports representatives for the first time. The theme of the event was the problem of loneliness and how sport and wellbeing services in higher education can be used to address it.
The Exercise Day of Your Dreams: exercise is for everyone
Published:Physical activity has an indisputable positive impact on mental health, and all students should be able to benefit from this regardless of their background or abilities, according to human rights activist Selinä Nera and Tommi Yläkangas, Influencing Specialist at Nyyti ry. The university sector is currently offering a wide variety of sports services for students, but is exercise for everyone if all students don’t have equal access to these activities?
Read more about article: The Exercise Day of Your Dreams: exercise is for everyone
OLL’s election advocacy themes focus on everyday physical activity and Finnish representation in bodies promoting physical activity
Published:The Finnish Student Sports Federation (OLL) wants the European elections to highlight the problem of physical inactivity and the requirements for tackling it. In its election advocacy, OLL emphasises the promotion of everyday physical activity, funding for sports in institutions of higher education and the need for Finnish representation in the European Parliament’s institutions relevant to physical activity.
Collaborative membership of the Finnish Student Sports Federation helps promote physical activity at Häme University of Applied Sciences
Published:The board of the Finnish Student Sports Federation (OLL) has admitted Häme University of Applied Sciences (HAMK) as a collaborative member of the federation.
OLL's 100th Annual Ball: Awards, Reunions, and a Celebration of a Century of University Sports Advocacy
Published:The Finnish Student Sports Federation (OLL) celebrated its centenary on Saturday, 13 April 2024 at Koskenranta Event Centre, Helsinki. People with high merits in promoting Finnish exercise and sports received awards from OLL and the Ministry of Education and Culture.
Minister of Sports Bergqvist as guardian of the Finnish Student Sports Federation's 100th anniversary
Published:The guardian of the 100th anniversary of the Finnish Student Sports Federation (OLL) is the Minister of Youth, Sport and Physical Activity Sandra Bergqvist.
We are looking for a student representative to FISU Volunteer Leaders Academy
Published:The International Student Sports Federation FISU is looking for new national representatives for FISU Volunteer Leaders Academy for the year 2024. The aim of the academy is to offer students an international opportunity to develop as leaders and to promote student sports both in Finland and internationally.
Student sports advocates receive recognition from the Minister of Youth, Sport and Physical Activity
Published:Sandra Bergqvist, Finland’s Minister of Youth, Sport and Physical Activity, awarded crosses and medals of merit of Finnish sports to 30 student and university sports advocates. The medals and crosses will be presented to their recipients at the centenary celebration of the Finnish Student Sports Federation (OLL) on 13 April.
Celebrating its centenary, the Finnish Student Sports Federation strengthens co-operation within the higher education community to encourage people to be more physically active
Published:In its latest Extraordinary General Assembly, the Finnish Student Sports Federation (OLL) changed its rules to strengthen co-operation within the entire higher education community in promoting a more physically active lifestyle among students and improve their ability to study.
Advocacy pays off: One million euros for promoting sports and physical activity in higher education
Published:The Finnish Student Sports Federation (OLL) is pleased with the funding of the Finland on the Move programme for higher education institutions. In April 2024, the Ministry of Education and Culture will provide a state grant for the academic year 2024–2025 to a maximum value of one million euros for the implementation of the Students on the Move programme in higher education institutions.
SELL Students Games in Kaunas 16–19.5 – there’s still time to join the most laid-back student sports event of the year!
Published:The most fun student exercise and sports event of the year, SELL Student Games, will take place in Kaunas in Lithuania on the 16–19 May. These Games have no level requirements, so anyone can take part!
President Niinistö walked and roller-skated – how the future president practices their handshake?
Published:The Finnish Student Sports Federation (OLL) asked the presidential candidates how they plan to prepare for the most important task of the President, namely shaking hands with the thousands of visitors at the annual Independence Day event.
Finnish Student Sports Federation board of jubilee year 2024 divided areas of responsibilities
Published:The Board of the Finnish Student Sports Federation (OLL) for 2024 held their constitutive meeting and divided areas of responsibilities among themselves. The Board also decided on the respective sponsored student unions.
Apply for the European Universities Championships 2024
Published:The European Universities Championships are held every two years in connection with the multi-sport event European Universities Games and every two years as separate European Championships. 2024 will be the year of the European Universities Games. Around 5,000 athletes from across Europe will take part in the European Universities Games. The Games also offer a great opportunity to test the level of European elite sports, as many national team-level athletes will be taking part in them. The athletes will represent their own higher education institution in the Games.
Read more about article: Apply for the European Universities Championships 2024
OLL represented at General Assemblies of international federations
Published:Elections, Russia and rule changes were hot topics at the general assemblies of the international umbrella organisations of student sports. OLL’s Secretary General Niko Peltokangas, who took part in the assemblies, writes about the decisions that were made.
Read more about article: OLL represented at General Assemblies of international federations
Student sports club, apply for funding to develop your activities
Published:The Ministry of Education and Culture grants a subsidy for developing club activities which is aimed at increasing the number of children and young people who play sports and developing varied organised sports.
Read more about article: Student sports club, apply for funding to develop your activities
Mio Kortelainen elected as President of the Finnish Student Sports Federation for 2024
Published:The new President of OLL, which will be celebrating its 100th anniversary next year, is Mio Kortelainen from Laurea University of Applied Sciences. This year’s election was quite an exciting event as the final nomination of candidates for OLL President was not revealed until the very last minute.
The Finnish Student Sports Federation demands equality in university sports services
Published:The equality, accessibility and safety of university sports must be improved, the Finnish Student Sports Federation (OLL) demands at its General Assembly held in Tampere on the 8–9 November. The Federation, which is preparing for its 100th anniversary, is inviting university communities to join together to build an equal university on the move.
The Finnish Student Sports Federation will choose a new membership model at the General Assembly in Tampere
Published:The General Assembly of the Finnish Student Sports Federation (OLL) is taking place at Varala Sports Institute in Tampere on the 8–9 of November. The General Assembly is the highest decision-making body in the Federation, which will be celebrating its 100th anniversary next year. One of the main topics of this year’s General Assembly was renewing the strategy and membership model of the Federation.
President Sauli Niinistö to receive the title of honorary sports tutor
Published:As a thank you for bringing up the importance of physical activity and problems related to a sedentary lifestyle, the Finnish Student Sports Federation has appointed President Sauli Niinistö as an honorary sports tutor for the whole nation.
Read more about article: President Sauli Niinistö to receive the title of honorary sports tutor
OLL alumni: “During my term as chair, policies were established that still affect students sports”
Published:The Finnish Student Sports Federation (OLL) addressed lack of exercise and equality and experienced changes in the membership model already in 2014 when Hanna Huumonen was the chair. Although Huumonen had some obstacles to negotiate as a women in the international sports scene, she wouldn’t change her OLL experience for anything.
OLL alumni: “My year on the board gave direction to my career and skills”
Published:Perseverance, seeing projects through to completion and public speaking. Jorma Alastalo took these lessons with him from his time as second vice chair of the board of the Finnish Student Sports Federation (OLL) in 2021. “In the future, I hope to see elements of OLL’s practices in every work community I'm part of,” Alastalo writes in his blog post.
Read more about article: OLL alumni: “My year on the board gave direction to my career and skills”
Liikkeestä voimaa -somekampanja kannustaa suomalaiset liikkeelle
Published:Varusmiesliiton, Opiskelijoiden Liikuntaliiton ja Sotilasurheiluliiton yhteiskampanjan tarkoituksena on rohkaista suomalaisia liikkumaan itselleen sopivalla tavalla toimintakyvyn ylläpitämiseksi. Kampanjan suojelijoina toimivat tasavallan presidentti Sauli Niinistö ja liikuntaministeri Sandra Bergqvist.
Read more about article: Liikkeestä voimaa -somekampanja kannustaa suomalaiset liikkeelle
University heads responded to the challenge – OLL President to Yle: “Routines for physical activity are already formed during the years of study”
Published:OLL challenged the heads of universities and universities of applied sciences to think about how the physical activity of higher-education students could be increased and how students could be encouraged to adopt a physically active lifestyle during their studies. University heads across Finland took up on the challenge presented as part of the European Week of Sport.
Changing the world is a team sport – the Finnish Student Sports Federation is helping to improve the position of girls in sports
Published:Disturbing body-related comments, taking photos and videos without permission, harassment and advances. Rape attempt during travel to competition. These experiences by university sports are examples of gender harassment.
Finnish Student Sports Federation challenges the rectors of higher education institutions to increase physical activity of students
Published:The Finnish Student Sports Federation (OLL) is challenging the rectors of Finnish universities and universities of applied sciences to find ways of increasing the physical activity of students. We threw the European Sports Week challenge to the rectors on X (formerly Twitter).
Finland sending strong beach volley team to European Universities Games
Published:The last European Universities Games Finland will be attending will be between 20 and 24 September in Málaga, Spain. Finland is represented by three pairs, just raring to go.
Read more about article: Finland sending strong beach volley team to European Universities Games
Miia Puustinen: What is the smallest thing you can do in a day to maintain your wellbeing and ability to study?
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#Liikkumalla työkykyä nyt -teemaviikko
Published:Liikkumalla työkykyä nyt on Opiskelijoiden Liikuntaliiton, Liikkuva opiskelu -ohjelman sekä muiden eri yhteiskunnallisten toimijoiden yhteinen työkykyä edistävä kampanja. Kampanja järjestetään 18.–22.9.2023.
Read more about article: #Liikkumalla työkykyä nyt -teemaviikko
A reduced ability to study impacts future ability to work – solutions are found in student guidance and physical activity
Page last updated 30.8.2020