News archive
On this page you will find all our published news stories, statements, press releases and blog posts in one place. You can use the categories below to filter the results. You can also search for articles on a specific topic. The topics are marked with a #-symbol in each article.
New Financial Committee for 2023–2024
Published:Read more about article: New Financial Committee for 2023–2024
Kristiina Teppo chosen temporary Communications Specialist
Published:Kristiina Teppo has been chosen as the temporary Communications Specialist of the Finnish Student Sports Federation, standing in for Niko Peltokangas, who is currently in the position of the federation’s Secretary General.
Read more about article: Kristiina Teppo chosen temporary Communications Specialist
A record number of medals and many happy athletes at the EUG
Published:During the last two weeks of July, the Polish city of Lodz was filled with university athletes. The European Universities Games saw nearly 6,000 athletes compete in twenty different sports. Finnish universities were represented by a team of 62 athletes in eight different sports.
Read more about article: A record number of medals and many happy athletes at the EUG
Board members: The gentle work community at OLL develops skills and increases wellbeing
Published:This year’s OLL board members talk about the year they’ve had.
Snitch the Flamer of the year!
Published:Do you have an idea of who the next Flame of the Year could be?
Markku Rantahalvari: The budget proposal for sports contains some all-too-familiar tunes
Published:The proposal for the 2023 state budget includes 2.8 million euros worth of cuts to sports funding. To OLL Specialist Markku Rantahalvari, the proposal contains some all-too-familiar tunes.
Niko Peltokangas chosen as Secretary General of OLL
Published:Niko Peltokangas (M.A.) has been chosen to stand in as Secretary General of the Finnish Student Sports Federation during the current Secretary General’s study leave.
Read more about article: Niko Peltokangas chosen as Secretary General of OLL
Etsimme nyt Opiskelijoiden Liikuntaliittoon viestintäasiantuntijan sijaista!
Published:Haemme nyt Opiskelijoiden Liikuntaliittoon (OLL) osa-aikaista (80%) viestintäasiantuntijan sijaista määräaikaiseen työsuhteeseen nykyisen viestintäasiantuntijamme työvapaan ajaksi.
Finland is sending a very interesting team to the EC in Poland
Published:Finland is sending 64 athletes to European Universities Games to Poland.
Read more about article: Finland is sending a very interesting team to the EC in Poland
The office of OLL is on holiday in July
Published:The office of OLL is on holiday in July.
Read more about article: The office of OLL is on holiday in July
OLL's general assembly will be held in Vuokatti on 1-3 November
Published:The statutory general meeting of the Finnish Student Sports Federation (OLL) will be held at Vuokatti Sport Olympic Training Center from 1 to 3 November 2022.
Read more about article: OLL's general assembly will be held in Vuokatti on 1-3 November
Student Newsletter 3/2022
Published:From the Student Newsletter, you can pick up news of interest to you or the university students for your organization’s own communication.
Haemme nyt Opiskelijoiden Liikuntaliittoon pääsihteerin sijaista!
Published:Pääsihteerinä pääset toimimaan liiton hallituksen alaisena liiton toiminnanjohtajana sekä toimiston esihenkilönä, vastaat liiton talouden hoidosta, hallituksen päätösten toimeenpanosta ja kehität liiton toimintaa ja varainhankintaa. Tällä hetkellä liiton toiminnan kehittämisen keskiössä on liiton jäsenyysmallin uudistaminen. Huolehdit myös osaltasi liiton yhteyksistä Suomen liikunta-, opiskelija- ja nuorisopolitiikan vaikuttajiin sekä kansainvälisiin kattojärjestöihin.
Read more about article: Haemme nyt Opiskelijoiden Liikuntaliittoon pääsihteerin sijaista!
OLL’s Cooper Test for high-quality university sports will take place on the Exercise Day of Your Dreams
Published:Today on the 10th of May, the Finnish Student Sports Federation (OLL) is organising OLL’s Cooper Test on the Eläintarha sports field in Helsinki. The Federation has invited university sports activists and stakeholders to test their fitness levels with a Cooper Test or UKK walk test.
The pilot episode of the Opiskelijaliike podcast debates the future of national advocacy work
Published:This is the Opiskelijaliike podcast, where we will be looking into the future of university sports! On our pilot episode we had a visit from Siiri Turunen from the Student Union of the University of Turku (TYY) and interviewed Tytti Saarinen, chair of Badminton Finland.
Opiskelijoiden Liikuntaliitto yhtyy vaatimukseen Olympiakomitean ylimääräisestä yhdistyksen kokouksesta
Published:Opiskelijoiden Liikuntaliitto (OLL) kannattaa Sulkapalloliiton vaatimusta Olympiakomitean ylimääräisen yhdistyksen kokouksen koollekutsumisesta. Liikuntayhteisön kannattaa luoda tilaa keskustelulle ja päätöksille, jotka edistävät yhdenvertaisuuden toteutumista Olympiakomitean toiminnassa.
Student Newsletter 2/2022
Published:From the Student Newsletter, you can pick up news of interest to you or the university students for your organization’s own communication.
Essi Lumme: Decisions on the future of students’ wellbeing and promotion of physical activity are made now!
Published:Who needs the Finnish Student Sports Federation? Our President Essi Lumme launches a discussion on the future of OLL.
OLL comments on the results of the health and wellbeing survey – the solutions emphasise exercise, community, and varied life situations
Published:When it comes to supporting students’ coping and ability to study, it’s time to go from research results to actions. At the webinar on the results from the KOTT study, OLL's 1st Vice President Tekla Hahl spoke about the opportunities within the universities on the move programme and acknowledging students’ varied life situations.
Tekla Hahl: University sports recommendations at the core of sports lobbying
Published:Advocacy by the Finnish Student Sports Federation (OLL) is based on university sports recommendations that guide universities in the creation of sports services and a healthy studying environment. OLL’s vice chair Tekla Hahl studied the recommendations only to realise that she had already come across during her studies at a university of applied sciences.
SELL Students Games in Riga 20–22.5 – there’s still time to join the most laid-back student sports event of the year!
Published:After a two-year Covid-break, the most fun student exercise and sports event of the year, SELL Student Games, will take place in Riga in Latvia on the 20–22 May. These Games have no level requirements, so anyone can take part!
Here’s what the new county councils can do to promote sports and exercise
Published:What is the sports sector looking for from the county councils that will commence work this March? OLL Communications Specialist Niko Peltokangas lays out the kinds of decisions the councils could make right at the beginning of their term to boost wellbeing through sports and exercise.
Read more about article: Here’s what the new county councils can do to promote sports and exercise
Student Newsletter 1/2022
Published:From the Student Newsletter, you can pick up news of interest to you or the university students for your organization’s own communication.
Applications open for FISU Volunteer Leaders Academy
Published:The International Student Sports Federation FISU is looking for new national representatives for FISU Volunteer Leaders Academy for the year 2022. The aim of the academy is to offer students an international opportunity to develop as leaders and to promote student sports both in Finland and internationally.
Read more about article: Applications open for FISU Volunteer Leaders Academy
This year, the activities of OLL will focus on collaboration, the joy of sports and the federation’s future
Published:Our job is to build a team that works to promote student sports and higher education on the move, writes OLL President Essi Lumme.
The higher education community of the Helsinki metropolitan area gets together: EveryMoveCounts-campaign starts!
Published:The well-being of higher education students has been put to the test during the occurring pandemic. The goal of the EveryMoveCounts-campaign is to increase the students’ awareness of the benefits of daily movement for their well-being. The campaign aims to especially reach sedentary students who aren’t particularly interested in sports and exercise.
The OLL Board divided areas of responsibilities
Published:The Board of the Finnish Student Sports Federation (OLL) for 2022 held their constitutive meeting and divided areas of responsibilities among themselves. The Board also decided on the respective sponsored student unions (list below).
Read more about article: The OLL Board divided areas of responsibilities
Apply for a volunteering position at the World University Championships
Published:The International university sports federation FISU is looking for volunteers for the 2022 World University Championships. Students will compete in 14 different events all over the world.
Read more about article: Apply for a volunteering position at the World University Championships
The Activity Alert visited OLL’s General Assembly in Kuortane
Published:The Activity Alert, which has become very popular at the University of Glasgow in Scotland, visited OLL’s General Assembly at Kuortane Olympic Training Center.
Read more about article: The Activity Alert visited OLL’s General Assembly in Kuortane
County elections: The wellbeing services counties need goals and plans in order to improve the conditions for exercise
Published:Set indicators are used to measure the work of the wellbeing services counties and municipalities, and these also take exercise into account. The aims of the indicators and the measures to achieve these are defined in the county’s strategy and statutory wellbeing plan. We want these to include entries on promoting exercise.
Page last updated 30.8.2020