News archive
On this page you will find all our published news stories, statements, press releases and blog posts in one place. You can use the categories below to filter the results. You can also search for articles on a specific topic. The topics are marked with a #-symbol in each article.
Student sports club, apply for funding to develop your activities
Published:Read more about article: Student sports club, apply for funding to develop your activities
Nominated for OLL's Board: Jani Ressi
Published:Jani Ressi is the student union METKA's candidate for the vice president of OLL. He is the event manager of the student union board. The new board of OLL will be elected at the general assembly on November 11th.
Read more about article: Nominated for OLL's Board: Jani Ressi
The Finnish Student Sports Federation moves to Sporttitalo
Published:The Finnish Student Sports Federation (OLL) will move from Kamppi to Pitäjänmäki in Helsinki in February 2022. The new address is Sporttitalo, located at Valimotie 10, where dozens of other sports organizations operate.
Read more about article: The Finnish Student Sports Federation moves to Sporttitalo
Change in OLL's membership
Published:The Student Union of the University of Eastern Finland has decided to resign from the Finnish Student Sports Federation.
Essi Lumme: The coronavirus pandemic can leave its mark on higher education sports for a long time
Published:The coronavirus pandemic has severely affected the sports services of higher education institutions and spurred them to action, and its effects will be seen for a long time. Vice-President Essi Lumme describes what OLL’s follow-up survey reveals about the effects of the pandemic on higher education sports.
Jussi Ansala: Five perspectives on better higher education sports
Published:Jussi Ansala, Senior Special Advisor for University Sport at OLL, analysed the makings of better higher education sports at the SeAMK Sports seminar held on 1 October at Seinäjoki University of Applied Sciences.
Read more about article: Jussi Ansala: Five perspectives on better higher education sports
Snitch the Flamer of the year!
Published:Do you have an idea of who the next Flame of the Year could be?
Essi Lumme: Students must not be left in the dark regarding the continuation of restrictions
Published:Higher education students are currently returning to their studies. Meanwhile, many students return from their summer vacation to their everyday routines, such as university sports. However, not all higher education students get to start their autumn studies on the campus. Due to COVID-19, different areas in Finland follow different restrictions, which also poses challenges in organising university sports.
Julia Tuuri: The policy paper and the code of ethics to be discussed in the General Assembly – but who will be elected to next year’s Board?
Published:The General Assembly is one of the most important and thrilling yearly events for The Finnish Student Sports Federation. OLL’s member organisations all around Finland gather in the General Assembly to decide the most important issues for OLL. The programme includes exciting voting segments, meeting new and old acquaintances, and inspiring conversation.
High-performance sports and Higher Education on the Move cooperation in the early autumn webinars
Published:Autumn brings with it interesting webinars on university sports!
Super deals for Naisten Kymppi
Published:Opiskelijoiden Liikuntaliitto tarjoaa huippuhintaan osallistumisen Naisten Kympille ja Naisten Kympin LadieSmile sarjaan. Hyödynnä etu!
The municipal elections were held – decision-making in municipal councils and committees begins
Published:How was physical exercise featured in the municipal elections of 2021 and what happens next?
Can you find municipal candidates who promote physical activity in voting advice applications?
Published:We went over the questions of a few voting advice applications and looked at how important a role physical activity plays in them. We paid special attention to how physical activity among students was taken into account in the questions.
The OLL office’s holiday dates this summer
Published:The OLL office will be on holiday mainly in July.
Read more about article: The OLL office’s holiday dates this summer
Mission accomplished
Published:One year ago, we published our Environmental Responsibility Programme. How did we do, and how has the Environmental Responsibility Programme changed our activities?
Students, use your vote in advance!
Published:Advance voting has become even more important for students after the municipal election was postponed. A significant portion of students move away from where they study for the summer months, which is why advance voting is a good way for students to make a difference in the municipal elections.
Read more about article: Students, use your vote in advance!
Oscar Byman: Exercise crucial to student wellbeing
Published:Oscar Byman, candidate for RKP in Helsinki, blogs about the municipal elections.
Read more about article: Oscar Byman: Exercise crucial to student wellbeing
Physical activity fixes the corona-induced wellbeing deficiency
Published:Distance learning, forced by corona constraints, easily exposes the student to difficulties in concentration, body aches and loneliness. Even before the corona, students sat for nearly 11 hours a day. In light of these facts, higher education sports are a necessary pillar of student and staff well-being now in the final stages of the pandemic as well as when studies move back to campuses.
Read more about article: Physical activity fixes the corona-induced wellbeing deficiency
Jatkokysely koronan vaikutuksista korkeakoululiikuntaan on nyt ulkona
Published:Elämme yhä koronan vaikutusten kanssa ja eritasoisia rajoituksia on yhä voimassa ympäri Suomea. Haluamme selvittää korkeakoululiikunnan tilannetta jatkoksi viime vuotiselle kyselylle. Kysely on koostettu aiempien kysymysten pohjalta.
Read more about article: Jatkokysely koronan vaikutuksista korkeakoululiikuntaan on nyt ulkona
Tips for organising online sports events
Published:Online lectures, online meetings, online coffee breaks, online birthdays... Everyone is fed up and frustrated with anything starting with the qualifier ‘online’. There is one exception: sports events. They are usually preceded by the word “cancelled”.
Read more about article: Tips for organising online sports events
The student and youth organisations demand: The livelihood of burnout sufferers must be secured during a sick leave, also without a separate mental health diagnosis
Published:Work-induced burnout and mental health symptoms are becoming so common that they can almost be referred to as chronic conditions that affect public health and the national economy. The recovery and return to working life after a period of burnout is a long and arduous process. Struggles to secure one’s livelihood further complicate the recovery process. We propose a change to the sickness allowance practices which would safeguard one’s livelihood during a sick leave caused by work-induced burnout.
Join the Higher Education on the Move mailing list!
Published:We will offer you interesting information on how higher education institutes can make study days more physically active and healthy! By joining the mailing list you will keep up with the latest webinars, ideas and services for higher education institutes.
Read more about article: Join the Higher Education on the Move mailing list!
Hanna Kivimäki: Cycling should be made accessible to all
Published:Hanna Kivimäki, candidate for SDP in Helsinki, blogs about the municipal elections.
Read more about article: Hanna Kivimäki: Cycling should be made accessible to all
Essi Lumme: It is worth acknowledging higher education students in the municipal decision-making
Published:During our studies, we try to find ways to expand our cross-disciplinary networks before hitting the workforce. We all create several new friendships during our studies. Too often these encounters and this networking takes place at different kinds of parties. It would be fantastic if we could increase the role that sports play in networking and maintaining friendships.
Sanni Lehtinen: Can students afford to ski?
Published:Sanni Lehtinen, candidate for the Greens in Helsinki, blogs about the municipal elections.
Read more about article: Sanni Lehtinen: Can students afford to ski?
Toni Ahva: Let's turn the municipal elections into sports elections!
Published:Toni Ahva, Head of Public Affairs at the Finnish Olympic Committee, blogs about the municipal elections.
Read more about article: Toni Ahva: Let's turn the municipal elections into sports elections!
Anna Laurila: Everyone is entitled to exercise in all municipalities
Published:Anna Laurila, candidate of National Coalition Party in Tampere, blogs about the municipal elections.
Read more about article: Anna Laurila: Everyone is entitled to exercise in all municipalities
Markus Halonen: Spreading information is an important part of promoting physical activity
Published:Making higher education culture more physically active is a complex goal to achieve, and in order to reach it, we should approach the target group from many different angles. It is, of course, important to remind people about the benefits of exercise and the disadvantages of physical inactivity, but we also need more detailed information when we want to transfer new learning into practice in increasing physical activity. In August 2020, the project Tikissä työelämään organised a series of three webinars to examine both the benefits of physical activity and also possible disadvantages from the point of view of e.g. brain health and the new physical activity recommendations.
Opiskelijoiden Liikuntaliitto yhdessä YTHS:n kanssa järjestää Ergonomia etäopiskelussa -webinaarin
Published:Opiskelu on siirtynyt väliaikaisesti koteihin ja näyttöjen taakse. Koronan jälkeenkin on odotettavissa, että korkeakouluissa opiskellaan aiempaa enemmän verkossa. Webinaarissa käsittelemme miten etäopiskelusta saa nautinnollisempaa ja vähemmän jumittavaa!
Joint municipal election campaign by student organisations: we make a better student city together
Published:The student organisations’ joint municipal election campaign wants to encourage students to vote and increase the awareness of international students’ right to vote.
Page last updated 30.8.2020