Students created addictive exercise-based games in Tampere

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As part of their studies, the Business Information Systems students at the Tampere University of Applied Sciences (TIKO18) have developed various addictive games which encourage exercise and physical activity. At the end of April, the process of building and testing the games culminated in the TAMK Games Expo, where the audience, the commissioning party and games companies assessed and awarded prizes for the best games. The games promoting physical activity were commissioned by the Mikä saa mut liikkumaan? (What gets me moving?) project, which is supported by the department for sports and physical activity within the Ministry of Education and Culture.

You can find out more about the winners by clicking the links below. These games are definitely worth checking out, downloading and playing: (Healthiona) (JDCE) (Sprint Garden)

More information:

Anne Ketola, Project Manager for the Mikä saa mut liikkumaan? project,
Also check out the project website:

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