Articles with tag: Parliamentary elections
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These are the means by which the new government wants to increase the physical activity of students
Published:We asked the party representatives before the election how they intend to improve students’ physical activity. Here are the responses.
OLL reminds negotiators at the House of Estates of the value of university sports
Published:Opiskelijoiden Liikuntaliitto (OLL) muistuttaa Säätytalolle kokoontuneita hallitusohjelmaneuvottelijoita korkeakoululiikunnan tärkeydestä maanantaina 8. toukokuuta klo 8–9. OLL:n tavoitteena on saada hallituksen ohjelmaan toimenpiteitä, joilla edistetään opiskeluhyvinvointia turvaamalla yhdenvertaisesti kaikkien opiskelijoiden mahdollisuus fyysiseen aktiivisuuteen.
Make exercise a natural part of every student’s day
Published:Kristiina Teppo writes about the Finnish Student Sports Federation’s fourth election goal. The Finnish model could be developed further in order to make it into a tool to build an activity-based culture not just in comprehensive school, but also in secondary and university education, because students also deserve physical activity with a low threshold in their everyday lives.
Read more about article: Make exercise a natural part of every student’s day
Final episode of the election podcast
Published:In the final episode of our election podcast we got to interview Silja Borgarsdóttir Sandelin (Swedish People's Party of Finland), Sari Essayah (Christian Democrats of Finland) and Karoliina Kähönen (Movement Now). What do they think about investing in measures to prevent the deterioration of well-being, in order to avoid a crisis in social and health care?
Read more about article: Final episode of the election podcast
Promoting exercise must be a cross-party team sport
Published:Promoting exercise and counteracting the increased lack of physical activity must be made one of the priorities in the new government programme. This way all parties can become messengers of exercise.
Read more about article: Promoting exercise must be a cross-party team sport
Opiskelijaliike election podcast series' second episode is featured by Timo Furuholm, Shawn Huff and Hanna Kosonen
Published:In the second episode of the Opiskelijaliike podcast's election series, former professional athletes Timo Furuholm (Left Alliance), Shawn Huff (Green League) and Hanna Kosonen (Centre Party) talk about how to make exercise more easily a part of everyday life and how to invest in the well-being of university students.
Desicion makers interviewed in the election series of the Opiskelijaliike podcast
Published:In the first episode of the Opiskelijaliike podcast's eletion series we get to hear what Marko Asell (Social Democratic Party of Finland), Kike Elomaa (Finns Party) and Sari Multala (National Coalition Party) think about the situation regarding university sports. How would they increase unviersity students' possibilities for more movement and exercise?
We will include students in the promotion of exercise
Published:The problems of students are hidden beneath the coping narrative, and the cause is their youth, writes Niko Peltokangas, Secretary General of OLL. During the parliamentary election, the Federation is campaigning to see students identified as a separate group in the legislation for exercise promotion.
Read more about article: We will include students in the promotion of exercise
Higher Education on the Move supports long-lasting and overall well-being
Published:How does the activities of Universities on the Move manifest in the everyday life of students and why should the programme's funding be continued? Special Advisor for University Sport Anni Liina Ikonen writes in the second part of the Finnish Student Sports Federation's election blog series about the importance of the Universities on the Move programme.
Read more about article: Higher Education on the Move supports long-lasting and overall well-being
Student sports must be taken into account in university funding
Published:Korkeakouluopiskelijoiden hyvinvointi on viime vuosina kriisiytynyt, minkä vuoksi korkeakoulujen liikunnan rahoitukseen tulisi panostaa enemmän, kirjoittaa Opiskelijoiden Liikuntaliiton puheenjohtaja Emilia Junnila. Suurempien kriisien ja liikkumattomuuden kustannusten ehkäisemiseksi tulee panostukset tehdä nyt.
Read more about article: Student sports must be taken into account in university funding
Election panel held by the Finnish Student Sports Federation and the Finnish Olympic Committee will focus on questions concerning university sports and student sports
Published:The Finnish Student Sports Federation (OLL) and the Olympic Committee will organize a parliamentary election panel on Monday, March 13, from 2 pm. to 3:30 pm. at the Olympic Stadium. The election panel will focus on questions concerning university sports and student sports.
Kansalaistorilla 22.2. kisataan päättäjien ja korkeakoululiikunnan edustajien välillä
Published:Opiskelijoiden Liikuntaliiton (OLL) Liikuttavan arvokas -eduskuntavaalikampanja avataan yhteisellä tempauksella 22. helmikuuta klo 14, jolloin opiskelu- ja työpäivää tauotetaan 54 minuutin ajan liikkumisen merkeissä. Helsingin Kansalaistorilla päästään sekä liikkumaan yhdessä että seuraamaan päättäjiä ja korkeakoululiikuntaa edustavien joukkueiden välistä kisailua.
OLL’s joint event on the 22 of February will bring student sports into the election debate
Published:The Finnish Student Sports Federation OLL's campaign Liikuttavan arvokas is all about highlighting the importance of student sports in the parliamentary election. The campaign will be launched with a joint national event on the 22 of February 2023. On the same date, OLL is also organising a public event open for all at Kansalaistori in Helsinki in collaboration with UniSport.
Time to put an end to issues in student wellbeing - The Finnish Student Sports Federation demands actions for university sports
Published:The increase of poor wellbeing among university students is common knowledge, but attempts to take on the issue have remained lukewarm. At the next parliamentary election it is time to focus on university students’ wellbeing and physical activity, the Finnish Student Sports Federation (OLL) demands at their General Assembly, held in Vuokatti on the 2nd and 3rd November.
Joko puhutaan liikkumisesta? Opiskelijoiden Liikuntaliitto vaatii vaalitavoitteissaan konkreettisia toimia liikunnan edistämiseksi
Published:Mikä toimiala on 1) miljardien arvoinen, 2) kaikkien poliitikkojen suosiossa ja 3) lähes näkymätön vaalikeskusteluissa? Kyse on liikkumisen ja liikunnan edistämisestä. Opiskelijoiden Liikuntaliiton (OLL) kunnianhimoisena tavoitteena onkin tuoda korkeakoululiikunta kevään eduskuntavaalikeskusteluihin.
OLL’s Cooper Test for high-quality university sports will take place on the Exercise Day of Your Dreams
Published:Today on the 10th of May, the Finnish Student Sports Federation (OLL) is organising OLL’s Cooper Test on the Eläintarha sports field in Helsinki. The Federation has invited university sports activists and stakeholders to test their fitness levels with a Cooper Test or UKK walk test.
OLL got the government negotiators moving
Published:On Wednesday 15 May 2019, the Finnish Student Sports Federation (OLL) took part in the government programme watch, which was organised by the National Union of University Students in Finland (SYL) and the University of Applied Sciences Students in Finland – SAMOK. OLL had a strong presence all day and promoted its aims for the government programme in a visible way. In front of the House of the Estates, one could spot the #studentsonthemoveNOW banner, which aimed to remind the negotiators of our wish to extend the Students on the Move programme properly to all higher education institutions.
Read more about article: OLL got the government negotiators moving
OLL’s election panel debate #studentsonthemoveNOW: the Finnish parties support extending the Students on the Move programme to higher education institutions during the next parliamentary term
Published:On 13 March, the Finnish Student Sports Federation (OLL) held an election panel debate on sports with the parliamentary election candidates in the Palm room (Palmuhuone) at restaurant Lasipalatsi in Helsinki. The panel debate, called #studentsonthemoveNOW, tackled the challenges of and looked at solutions to making higher education institutions more physically active.
Hard facts, balloons and new acquaintances at the sector meeting
Published:This year’s first sector meeting was held in Helsinki after the sports tutoring day. On the first day of the sector meeting, the parliamentary elections were on the agenda and getting to know the new student union Board Members in charge of sports. At the same time, we filmed OLL’s election video. We will tell more about it later.
Read more about article: Hard facts, balloons and new acquaintances at the sector meeting
#getoffyourarse, #perseetpenkistä and #studentsonthemoveNOW!
Published:The average student sits for approximately 11 hours per day. These extreme numbers are influenced by the higher education environment which makes students passive, forcing them to sit in lecture after lecture without refreshing breaks that are important for their health. Here at the Finnish Student Sports Federation, we demand that the Studies on the Move programme should include the entire higher education sector in the coming government term.
Read more about article: #getoffyourarse, #perseetpenkistä and #studentsonthemoveNOW!
Page last updated 30.8.2020