Articles with tag: Member organisations
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Student sports club, apply for funding to develop your activities
Published:The Ministry of Education and Culture grants a subsidy for developing club activities which is aimed at increasing the number of children and young people who play sports and developing varied organised sports.
Read more about article: Student sports club, apply for funding to develop your activities
Snitch the Flame of the year!
Published:Do you have an idea of who the next Flame of the Year could be?
The Finnish Student Sports Federation’s new membership model makes headway: a service design project leads to concrete results
Published:The organised university sports in Finland are stepping into its second century with one word in mind: together. To achieve truly impactful collaboration, the Federation will now invite universities to become ordinary members alongside the student unions. The background to this change lies in the membership model report which was drawn up in 2021–2022.
Finnish representatives join international student sport umbrella organisations
Published:To develop sports in higher education institutions, student representatives nominated by the Finnish Student Sports Federation (OLL) have been elected to a number of international umbrella organisations for student sports. Atte Kolehmainen, Lari Koskinen and Tia Saharinen take up their posts in 2024.
Network event in Vaasa brings university sports service providers and service users together
Published:OLL’s network event held in Vaasa on the 21st and 22nd of May brought together university sports service providers and student union sports representatives for the first time. The theme of the event was the problem of loneliness and how sport and wellbeing services in higher education can be used to address it.
Collaborative membership of the Finnish Student Sports Federation helps promote physical activity at Häme University of Applied Sciences
Published:The board of the Finnish Student Sports Federation (OLL) has admitted Häme University of Applied Sciences (HAMK) as a collaborative member of the federation.
Celebrating its centenary, the Finnish Student Sports Federation strengthens co-operation within the higher education community to encourage people to be more physically active
Published:In its latest Extraordinary General Assembly, the Finnish Student Sports Federation (OLL) changed its rules to strengthen co-operation within the entire higher education community in promoting a more physically active lifestyle among students and improve their ability to study.
Student sports club, apply for funding to develop your activities
Published:The Ministry of Education and Culture grants a subsidy for developing club activities which is aimed at increasing the number of children and young people who play sports and developing varied organised sports.
Read more about article: Student sports club, apply for funding to develop your activities
Snitch the Flamer of the year!
Published:Do you have an idea of who the next Flame of the Year could be?
Guidebook to OLL’s events: How to weave your way through the jungle of training sessions and networks
Published:From time to time, our members ask us to explain the Federation’s various events, and quite right too! You may be getting invitations to all kinds of networks and events for university sports, all with slightly different names, target audiences and approaches. After reading this, you will know exactly which of them will be the most beneficial to you.
Promoting equality is part of all operations at OLL
Published:The promotion of equality is present in all areas of our operations. OLL’s operations are guided by an extensive equality plan, which was updated this year. The updated plan was approved at the General Assembly held on 2–3 November in Vuokatti. The plan opens up the concepts of equality and OLL's actions in promoting equality. In addition, the plan highlights OLL's role a feminist and anti-racist organisation.
Read more about article: Promoting equality is part of all operations at OLL
Strateginen päiväkirja: Liittokokouksessa jäsenmallista kirjaus toimintasuunnitelmaan
Published:Päiväkirjan sivu 8: Puheenjohtaja Essi Lumme raportoi parin viikon välein OLL:n jäsenmallin kehitystyöstä. Vuoden 2022 aikana laaditaan eri vaihtoehtoja kartoittava selonteko.
SELL-kisojen isännöinti tarjoaa mahdollisuuden kansainväliseen profiloitumiseen
Published:SELL Student Games on kansainvälinen korkeakouluopiskelijoille tarkoitettu opiskelijaliikuntatapahtuma. Toukokuun toiseksi viimeisenä viikonloppuna pidettävien SELL-kisojen järjestämisestä vastaavat vuoroin neljä SELL-maata: Suomi, Viro, Latvia ja Liettua. Vuonna 2025 on jälleen Suomen vuoro isännöidä kisoja.
Student sports club, apply for funding to develop your activities
Published:The Ministry of Education and Culture grants a subsidy for developing club activities which is aimed at increasing the number of children and young people who play sports and developing varied organised sports.
Read more about article: Student sports club, apply for funding to develop your activities
Time to put an end to issues in student wellbeing - The Finnish Student Sports Federation demands actions for university sports
Published:The increase of poor wellbeing among university students is common knowledge, but attempts to take on the issue have remained lukewarm. At the next parliamentary election it is time to focus on university students’ wellbeing and physical activity, the Finnish Student Sports Federation (OLL) demands at their General Assembly, held in Vuokatti on the 2nd and 3rd November.
Tutustu hallitusehdokkaisiin: Atte Kolehmainen
Published:Opiskelijoiden Liikuntaliiton hallitus vuodelle 2023 valitaan liittokokouksessa. Kysyimme ehdokkailta muun muassa heidän tavoitteistaan hallituksessa ja taustastaan opiskelijaliikunnan edistämisen parissa. Tutustu yhteen ehdokkaista alla!
Read more about article: Tutustu hallitusehdokkaisiin: Atte Kolehmainen
Tutustu hallitusehdokkaisiin: Emilia Junnila
Published:Opiskelijoiden Liikuntaliiton hallitus vuodelle 2023 valitaan liittokokouksessa. Kysyimme ehdokkailta muun muassa heidän tavoitteistaan hallituksessa ja taustastaan opiskelijaliikunnan edistämisen parissa. Tutustu yhteen ehdokkaista alla!
Read more about article: Tutustu hallitusehdokkaisiin: Emilia Junnila
Tutustu hallitusehdokkaisiin: Minna Huurrekorpi
Published:Opiskelijoiden Liikuntaliiton hallitus vuodelle 2023 valitaan liittokokouksessa. Kysyimme ehdokkailta muun muassa heidän tavoitteistaan hallituksessa ja taustastaan opiskelijaliikunnan edistämisen parissa. Tutustu yhteen ehdokkaista alla!
Read more about article: Tutustu hallitusehdokkaisiin: Minna Huurrekorpi
Niko Peltokangas: OLL’s membership model is all about developing operations
Published:Developing a new membership model felt like a monster that you can’t quite make out in a dark room, OLL's Secretary General Niko Peltokangas writes. How does it feel now? Peltokangas describes his feelings and observations from the past year.
Read more about article: Niko Peltokangas: OLL’s membership model is all about developing operations
Strateginen päiväkirja: Jäsenyhteisöjen lausunnot mukaan selontekoon
Published:Päiväkirjan sivu 7: Puheenjohtaja Essi Lumme raportoi parin viikon välein OLL:n jäsenmallin kehitystyöstä. Vuoden 2022 aikana laaditaan eri vaihtoehtoja kartoittava selonteko.
Read more about article: Strateginen päiväkirja: Jäsenyhteisöjen lausunnot mukaan selontekoon
Snitch the Flamer of the year!
Published:Do you have an idea of who the next Flame of the Year could be?
Essi Lumme: Decisions on the future of students’ wellbeing and promotion of physical activity are made now!
Published:Who needs the Finnish Student Sports Federation? Our President Essi Lumme launches a discussion on the future of OLL.
The higher education community of the Helsinki metropolitan area gets together: EveryMoveCounts-campaign starts!
Published:The well-being of higher education students has been put to the test during the occurring pandemic. The goal of the EveryMoveCounts-campaign is to increase the students’ awareness of the benefits of daily movement for their well-being. The campaign aims to especially reach sedentary students who aren’t particularly interested in sports and exercise.
Student sports club, apply for funding to develop your activities
Published:Read more about article: Student sports club, apply for funding to develop your activities
Change in OLL's membership
Published:The Student Union of the University of Eastern Finland has decided to resign from the Finnish Student Sports Federation.
Snitch the Flamer of the year!
Published:Do you have an idea of who the next Flame of the Year could be?
Physical activity fixes the corona-induced wellbeing deficiency
Published:Distance learning, forced by corona constraints, easily exposes the student to difficulties in concentration, body aches and loneliness. Even before the corona, students sat for nearly 11 hours a day. In light of these facts, higher education sports are a necessary pillar of student and staff well-being now in the final stages of the pandemic as well as when studies move back to campuses.
Read more about article: Physical activity fixes the corona-induced wellbeing deficiency
Markus Halonen: Spreading information is an important part of promoting physical activity
Published:Making higher education culture more physically active is a complex goal to achieve, and in order to reach it, we should approach the target group from many different angles. It is, of course, important to remind people about the benefits of exercise and the disadvantages of physical inactivity, but we also need more detailed information when we want to transfer new learning into practice in increasing physical activity. In August 2020, the project Tikissä työelämään organised a series of three webinars to examine both the benefits of physical activity and also possible disadvantages from the point of view of e.g. brain health and the new physical activity recommendations.
Opiskelijoiden Liikuntaliitto yhdessä YTHS:n kanssa järjestää Ergonomia etäopiskelussa -webinaarin
Published:Opiskelu on siirtynyt väliaikaisesti koteihin ja näyttöjen taakse. Koronan jälkeenkin on odotettavissa, että korkeakouluissa opiskellaan aiempaa enemmän verkossa. Webinaarissa käsittelemme miten etäopiskelusta saa nautinnollisempaa ja vähemmän jumittavaa!
Työryhmähaku: Tule mukaan miettimään OLL:n ja opiskelijaliikunnan tulevaisuutta!
Published:OLL:n hallitus on päättänyt perustaa jäsenyystyöryhmän ja liikuntapoliittisen linjapaperin sparrausryhmän. Lue lisätiedot alta ja hae ryhmiin 12.3.2021 mennessä!
Page last updated 30.8.2020