Articles with tag: Sport policy
On this page you will find all our published news stories, statements, press releases and blog posts in one place. You can use the categories below to filter the results. You can also search for articles on a specific topic. The topics are marked with a #-symbol in each article.
Sanna-Maria Ahl: Municipal elections – matters concerning you
Published:Municipal elections, the lesser-known cousin of parliamentary elections. You've probably heard about them? Have you voted in them? Or haven’t you voted because you already went to the polls in those “real” elections?
Read more about article: Sanna-Maria Ahl: Municipal elections – matters concerning you
Funding for sports in the budget session
Published:The Finnish government’s budget session is over. Together with SYL and SAMOK, we were on watch at The House of the Estates during the budget session on 17 September 2019. The purpose of us being at The House of Estates was to remind the arriving negotiators to give some thought to students during budget negotiations.
Read more about article: Funding for sports in the budget session
Evaluation of the Schools on the Move Programme: Increased productivity in physical activity
Published:Between January and March 2019, the Finnish Education Evaluation Centre (FINEEC) carried out an external evaluation of the Schools on the Move programme for the current key project period.
OLL got the government negotiators moving
Published:On Wednesday 15 May 2019, the Finnish Student Sports Federation (OLL) took part in the government programme watch, which was organised by the National Union of University Students in Finland (SYL) and the University of Applied Sciences Students in Finland – SAMOK. OLL had a strong presence all day and promoted its aims for the government programme in a visible way. In front of the House of the Estates, one could spot the #studentsonthemoveNOW banner, which aimed to remind the negotiators of our wish to extend the Students on the Move programme properly to all higher education institutions.
Read more about article: OLL got the government negotiators moving
OLL’s election panel debate #studentsonthemoveNOW: the Finnish parties support extending the Students on the Move programme to higher education institutions during the next parliamentary term
Published:On 13 March, the Finnish Student Sports Federation (OLL) held an election panel debate on sports with the parliamentary election candidates in the Palm room (Palmuhuone) at restaurant Lasipalatsi in Helsinki. The panel debate, called #studentsonthemoveNOW, tackled the challenges of and looked at solutions to making higher education institutions more physically active.
The Finnish Parliament's Education and Culture Committee heard OLL about the report on sport policy
Published:The Parliament’s Education and Culture Committee invited the Finnish Student Sports Federation (OLL) to the consultation on the first Report on Sport Policy in history on 24 January 2019.
#getoffyourarse, #perseetpenkistä and #studentsonthemoveNOW!
Published:The average student sits for approximately 11 hours per day. These extreme numbers are influenced by the higher education environment which makes students passive, forcing them to sit in lecture after lecture without refreshing breaks that are important for their health. Here at the Finnish Student Sports Federation, we demand that the Studies on the Move programme should include the entire higher education sector in the coming government term.
Read more about article: #getoffyourarse, #perseetpenkistä and #studentsonthemoveNOW!
Page last updated 30.8.2020