Articles with tag: OLL's events
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Tervetuloa Opiskelijoiden Liikuntaliiton tapahtumiin!
Published:Opiskelijoiden Liikuntaliiton 101. toimintavuosi on alkamassa ja toivotamme kaikille hyvää vuotta 2025! Ota tästä koosteesta talteen OLL:n vuoden tapahtumat linkkeineen! Luvassa on erilaisia verkostotapaamisia, vaalikampanjointia, kisoja, aamukahveja ja liittokokous.
Read more about article: Tervetuloa Opiskelijoiden Liikuntaliiton tapahtumiin!
Nicklas Nyman as anniversary coordinator of Student Sports 100 Years
Published:The 100th anniversary of The Finnish Student Sports Federation (OLL) will be celebrated in 2024. Nicklas Nyman will start at OLL as the anniversary coordinator of the Student Sports 100 Years jubilee year.
Read more about article: Nicklas Nyman as anniversary coordinator of Student Sports 100 Years
Guidebook to OLL’s events: How to weave your way through the jungle of training sessions and networks
Published:From time to time, our members ask us to explain the Federation’s various events, and quite right too! You may be getting invitations to all kinds of networks and events for university sports, all with slightly different names, target audiences and approaches. After reading this, you will know exactly which of them will be the most beneficial to you.
Election panel held by the Finnish Student Sports Federation and the Finnish Olympic Committee will focus on questions concerning university sports and student sports
Published:The Finnish Student Sports Federation (OLL) and the Olympic Committee will organize a parliamentary election panel on Monday, March 13, from 2 pm. to 3:30 pm. at the Olympic Stadium. The election panel will focus on questions concerning university sports and student sports.
Kansalaistorilla 22.2. kisataan päättäjien ja korkeakoululiikunnan edustajien välillä
Published:Opiskelijoiden Liikuntaliiton (OLL) Liikuttavan arvokas -eduskuntavaalikampanja avataan yhteisellä tempauksella 22. helmikuuta klo 14, jolloin opiskelu- ja työpäivää tauotetaan 54 minuutin ajan liikkumisen merkeissä. Helsingin Kansalaistorilla päästään sekä liikkumaan yhdessä että seuraamaan päättäjiä ja korkeakoululiikuntaa edustavien joukkueiden välistä kisailua.
OLL’s joint event on the 22 of February will bring student sports into the election debate
Published:The Finnish Student Sports Federation OLL's campaign Liikuttavan arvokas is all about highlighting the importance of student sports in the parliamentary election. The campaign will be launched with a joint national event on the 22 of February 2023. On the same date, OLL is also organising a public event open for all at Kansalaistori in Helsinki in collaboration with UniSport.
One hundred years of student sports will be celebrated on 13th of April 2024
Published:The Finnish Student Sports Federation (OLL) will celebrate its one hundred years of operations in 2024. The Ministry of Education and Culture has granted OLL 30,000 euros in funding to celebrate the history of organised student sports.
Kristiina Teppo chosen temporary Communications Specialist
Published:Kristiina Teppo has been chosen as the temporary Communications Specialist of the Finnish Student Sports Federation, standing in for Niko Peltokangas, who is currently in the position of the federation’s Secretary General.
Read more about article: Kristiina Teppo chosen temporary Communications Specialist
The Activity Alert visited OLL’s General Assembly in Kuortane
Published:The Activity Alert, which has become very popular at the University of Glasgow in Scotland, visited OLL’s General Assembly at Kuortane Olympic Training Center.
Read more about article: The Activity Alert visited OLL’s General Assembly in Kuortane
High-performance sports and Higher Education on the Move cooperation in the early autumn webinars
Published:Autumn brings with it interesting webinars on university sports!
Tips for organising online sports events
Published:Online lectures, online meetings, online coffee breaks, online birthdays... Everyone is fed up and frustrated with anything starting with the qualifier ‘online’. There is one exception: sports events. They are usually preceded by the word “cancelled”.
Read more about article: Tips for organising online sports events
Page last updated 30.8.2020