Articles with tag: Student well-being
On this page you will find all our published news stories, statements, press releases and blog posts in one place. You can use the categories below to filter the results. You can also search for articles on a specific topic. The topics are marked with a #-symbol in each article.
The Movafit training app is OLL's new member benefit
Published:The Finnish Student Sports Federation (OLL) offers its members a free Premium subscription to the Movafit training app. Get a member benefit until 31.12.2025 easily with a promo code!
Read more about article: The Movafit training app is OLL's new member benefit
Student sports club, apply for funding to develop your activities
Published:The Ministry of Education and Culture grants a subsidy for developing club activities which is aimed at increasing the number of children and young people who play sports and developing varied organised sports.
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The Finnish Student Sports Federation invites students to test their exercise habits and study ability
Published:The Finnish Student Sports Federation (OLL) is reminding people in September and October of the importance exercise in maintaining and improving study ability.
OLL’s election advocacy themes focus on everyday physical activity and Finnish representation in bodies promoting physical activity
Published:The Finnish Student Sports Federation (OLL) wants the European elections to highlight the problem of physical inactivity and the requirements for tackling it. In its election advocacy, OLL emphasises the promotion of everyday physical activity, funding for sports in institutions of higher education and the need for Finnish representation in the European Parliament’s institutions relevant to physical activity.
Student sports club, apply for funding to develop your activities
Published:The Ministry of Education and Culture grants a subsidy for developing club activities which is aimed at increasing the number of children and young people who play sports and developing varied organised sports.
Read more about article: Student sports club, apply for funding to develop your activities
Liikkeestä voimaa -somekampanja kannustaa suomalaiset liikkeelle
Published:Varusmiesliiton, Opiskelijoiden Liikuntaliiton ja Sotilasurheiluliiton yhteiskampanjan tarkoituksena on rohkaista suomalaisia liikkumaan itselleen sopivalla tavalla toimintakyvyn ylläpitämiseksi. Kampanjan suojelijoina toimivat tasavallan presidentti Sauli Niinistö ja liikuntaministeri Sandra Bergqvist.
Read more about article: Liikkeestä voimaa -somekampanja kannustaa suomalaiset liikkeelle
#Liikkumalla työkykyä nyt -teemaviikko
Published:Liikkumalla työkykyä nyt on Opiskelijoiden Liikuntaliiton, Liikkuva opiskelu -ohjelman sekä muiden eri yhteiskunnallisten toimijoiden yhteinen työkykyä edistävä kampanja. Kampanja järjestetään 18.–22.9.2023.
Read more about article: #Liikkumalla työkykyä nyt -teemaviikko
Back to the wonderful yet stressful student life – how to take care of yourself in the autumn rush
Published:Returning to studies and everyday routines can be cause for celebration for one, and cause for tears for another. One person enjoys scheduling and planning, while another would like the holiday to continue for a bit longer. To make the start of the autumn a little more enjoyable, we’ve put together a few tips to brighten up your days.
Gender minorities' experience of university sports leave room for improvement
Published:What kind of experiences do LGBTQIA+ people have of university sports? How could we improve the experiences of gender minorities? In this article, Finnish Student Sports Federation’s Secretary General Niko Peltokangas takes a look into the results of the Student Barometer 2022 survey from a minority sports perspective.
President of the Finnish Student Sports Federation: The Finland on the Move programme not properly implemented for students
Published:Emilia Junnila, President of the Finnish Student Sports Federation, sees potential in the Finland on the Move programme included in the Government Programme to make students more active. However, she is concerned about cuts affecting students, which can scupper any good intentions.
90 minutes of wandering minds or focused learning?
Published:University lectures easily turn into sitting marathons. Breaks have been proven to improve learning, well-being and health, but how could we take five from these tight, 90-minute study sessions? This article published in Acatiimi, takes a look at the ways in which university students and lecturers could take breaks in sitting.
Read more about article: 90 minutes of wandering minds or focused learning?
Universities on the Move gets stronger – MoE gives OLL a significant grant for further development of Universities on the Move
Published:The Ministry of Education and Culture (MoE) is giving Universities on the Move, which is coordinated by the Finnish Student Sports Federation (OLL), a grant of 90,000 euros for the first year. The project will last three years. The focus lies on finding new solutions which increase the physical everyday activity at universities and to implement these in practice with the university communities.
Make exercise a natural part of every student’s day
Published:Kristiina Teppo writes about the Finnish Student Sports Federation’s fourth election goal. The Finnish model could be developed further in order to make it into a tool to build an activity-based culture not just in comprehensive school, but also in secondary and university education, because students also deserve physical activity with a low threshold in their everyday lives.
Read more about article: Make exercise a natural part of every student’s day
Final episode of the election podcast
Published:In the final episode of our election podcast we got to interview Silja Borgarsdóttir Sandelin (Swedish People's Party of Finland), Sari Essayah (Christian Democrats of Finland) and Karoliina Kähönen (Movement Now). What do they think about investing in measures to prevent the deterioration of well-being, in order to avoid a crisis in social and health care?
Read more about article: Final episode of the election podcast
Opiskelijaliike election podcast series' second episode is featured by Timo Furuholm, Shawn Huff and Hanna Kosonen
Published:In the second episode of the Opiskelijaliike podcast's election series, former professional athletes Timo Furuholm (Left Alliance), Shawn Huff (Green League) and Hanna Kosonen (Centre Party) talk about how to make exercise more easily a part of everyday life and how to invest in the well-being of university students.
Desicion makers interviewed in the election series of the Opiskelijaliike podcast
Published:In the first episode of the Opiskelijaliike podcast's eletion series we get to hear what Marko Asell (Social Democratic Party of Finland), Kike Elomaa (Finns Party) and Sari Multala (National Coalition Party) think about the situation regarding university sports. How would they increase unviersity students' possibilities for more movement and exercise?
We will include students in the promotion of exercise
Published:The problems of students are hidden beneath the coping narrative, and the cause is their youth, writes Niko Peltokangas, Secretary General of OLL. During the parliamentary election, the Federation is campaigning to see students identified as a separate group in the legislation for exercise promotion.
Read more about article: We will include students in the promotion of exercise
Higher Education on the Move supports long-lasting and overall well-being
Published:How does the activities of Universities on the Move manifest in the everyday life of students and why should the programme's funding be continued? Special Advisor for University Sport Anni Liina Ikonen writes in the second part of the Finnish Student Sports Federation's election blog series about the importance of the Universities on the Move programme.
Read more about article: Higher Education on the Move supports long-lasting and overall well-being
Student sports must be taken into account in university funding
Published:Korkeakouluopiskelijoiden hyvinvointi on viime vuosina kriisiytynyt, minkä vuoksi korkeakoulujen liikunnan rahoitukseen tulisi panostaa enemmän, kirjoittaa Opiskelijoiden Liikuntaliiton puheenjohtaja Emilia Junnila. Suurempien kriisien ja liikkumattomuuden kustannusten ehkäisemiseksi tulee panostukset tehdä nyt.
Read more about article: Student sports must be taken into account in university funding
Election panel held by the Finnish Student Sports Federation and the Finnish Olympic Committee will focus on questions concerning university sports and student sports
Published:The Finnish Student Sports Federation (OLL) and the Olympic Committee will organize a parliamentary election panel on Monday, March 13, from 2 pm. to 3:30 pm. at the Olympic Stadium. The election panel will focus on questions concerning university sports and student sports.
♥ Valentine’s Day workout tips from Nyyti ♥ How to manage your stress levels through exercise
Published:Student life can be busy. You’re feeling stressed, and it can be difficult to fit in workouts in your hectic life. But here’s the good news: you don’t need to work out, it’s enough to just get active in your daily life! Exercise can also be a great tool for managing stress. Of course, having sports as a hobby will enhance the benefits of exercise even more.
OLL’s joint event on the 22 of February will bring student sports into the election debate
Published:The Finnish Student Sports Federation OLL's campaign Liikuttavan arvokas is all about highlighting the importance of student sports in the parliamentary election. The campaign will be launched with a joint national event on the 22 of February 2023. On the same date, OLL is also organising a public event open for all at Kansalaistori in Helsinki in collaboration with UniSport.
Promoting equality is part of all operations at OLL
Published:The promotion of equality is present in all areas of our operations. OLL’s operations are guided by an extensive equality plan, which was updated this year. The updated plan was approved at the General Assembly held on 2–3 November in Vuokatti. The plan opens up the concepts of equality and OLL's actions in promoting equality. In addition, the plan highlights OLL's role a feminist and anti-racist organisation.
Read more about article: Promoting equality is part of all operations at OLL
Opiskelijoiden Liikuntaliitto mukana korkeakouluopiskelijoiden mielenterveyden edistämisen verkostopäivillä
Published:OLL:n varapuheenjohtaja Tekla Hahl ja korkeakoululiikunnan erityisasiantuntija Jussi Ansala osallistuivat Korkeakouluopiskelijoiden mielenterveyden edistämisen verkostopäiviin 28.–29. marraskuuta.
Korkeakoulujen liikuntatoimien verkosto kokoontui Tampereella
Published:Opiskelijoiden liikuntaliiton ylläpitämä korkeakoulujen liikuntatoimien verkosto kokoontui toistamiseen tänä vuonna. Tampereella 22.–23. marraskuuta järjestetyn verkostotapaamisen keskeisenä teemana oli liikuntatoimien viestintä sekä paikallisesti että valtakunnallisesti.
Read more about article: Korkeakoulujen liikuntatoimien verkosto kokoontui Tampereella
SELL-kisojen isännöinti tarjoaa mahdollisuuden kansainväliseen profiloitumiseen
Published:SELL Student Games on kansainvälinen korkeakouluopiskelijoille tarkoitettu opiskelijaliikuntatapahtuma. Toukokuun toiseksi viimeisenä viikonloppuna pidettävien SELL-kisojen järjestämisestä vastaavat vuoroin neljä SELL-maata: Suomi, Viro, Latvia ja Liettua. Vuonna 2025 on jälleen Suomen vuoro isännöidä kisoja.
Student sports club, apply for funding to develop your activities
Published:The Ministry of Education and Culture grants a subsidy for developing club activities which is aimed at increasing the number of children and young people who play sports and developing varied organised sports.
Read more about article: Student sports club, apply for funding to develop your activities
Time to put an end to issues in student wellbeing - The Finnish Student Sports Federation demands actions for university sports
Published:The increase of poor wellbeing among university students is common knowledge, but attempts to take on the issue have remained lukewarm. At the next parliamentary election it is time to focus on university students’ wellbeing and physical activity, the Finnish Student Sports Federation (OLL) demands at their General Assembly, held in Vuokatti on the 2nd and 3rd November.
Niko Peltokangas: OLL’s membership model is all about developing operations
Published:Developing a new membership model felt like a monster that you can’t quite make out in a dark room, OLL's Secretary General Niko Peltokangas writes. How does it feel now? Peltokangas describes his feelings and observations from the past year.
Read more about article: Niko Peltokangas: OLL’s membership model is all about developing operations
Higher Education on the Move News: Collaboration Makes Wellbeing Easier
Published:Read the latest news from the Higher Education on the Move network!
Read more about article: Higher Education on the Move News: Collaboration Makes Wellbeing Easier
Page last updated 30.8.2020