Articles with tag: Student well-being
On this page you will find all our published news stories, statements, press releases and blog posts in one place. You can use the categories below to filter the results. You can also search for articles on a specific topic. The topics are marked with a #-symbol in each article.
Joko puhutaan liikkumisesta? Opiskelijoiden Liikuntaliitto vaatii vaalitavoitteissaan konkreettisia toimia liikunnan edistämiseksi
Published:Mikä toimiala on 1) miljardien arvoinen, 2) kaikkien poliitikkojen suosiossa ja 3) lähes näkymätön vaalikeskusteluissa? Kyse on liikkumisen ja liikunnan edistämisestä. Opiskelijoiden Liikuntaliiton (OLL) kunnianhimoisena tavoitteena onkin tuoda korkeakoululiikunta kevään eduskuntavaalikeskusteluihin.
Student Newsletter 4/2022
Published:From the Student Newsletter, you can pick up news of interest to you or the university students for your organization’s own communication.
Student Newsletter 3/2022
Published:From the Student Newsletter, you can pick up news of interest to you or the university students for your organization’s own communication.
Student Newsletter 2/2022
Published:From the Student Newsletter, you can pick up news of interest to you or the university students for your organization’s own communication.
OLL comments on the results of the health and wellbeing survey – the solutions emphasise exercise, community, and varied life situations
Published:When it comes to supporting students’ coping and ability to study, it’s time to go from research results to actions. At the webinar on the results from the KOTT study, OLL's 1st Vice President Tekla Hahl spoke about the opportunities within the universities on the move programme and acknowledging students’ varied life situations.
Student Newsletter 1/2022
Published:From the Student Newsletter, you can pick up news of interest to you or the university students for your organization’s own communication.
Student, county elections also affect you!
Published:The historic regional county elections will be held for the first time in January 2022. The Finnish Student Sports Federation (OLL), University of Applied Sciences Students in Finland – SAMOK and National Union of University Students in Finland want to remind the students of the importance of the county elections.
Read more about article: Student, county elections also affect you!
Student sports club, apply for funding to develop your activities
Published:Read more about article: Student sports club, apply for funding to develop your activities
Essi Lumme: Students must not be left in the dark regarding the continuation of restrictions
Published:Higher education students are currently returning to their studies. Meanwhile, many students return from their summer vacation to their everyday routines, such as university sports. However, not all higher education students get to start their autumn studies on the campus. Due to COVID-19, different areas in Finland follow different restrictions, which also poses challenges in organising university sports.
Can you find municipal candidates who promote physical activity in voting advice applications?
Published:We went over the questions of a few voting advice applications and looked at how important a role physical activity plays in them. We paid special attention to how physical activity among students was taken into account in the questions.
Physical activity fixes the corona-induced wellbeing deficiency
Published:Distance learning, forced by corona constraints, easily exposes the student to difficulties in concentration, body aches and loneliness. Even before the corona, students sat for nearly 11 hours a day. In light of these facts, higher education sports are a necessary pillar of student and staff well-being now in the final stages of the pandemic as well as when studies move back to campuses.
Read more about article: Physical activity fixes the corona-induced wellbeing deficiency
The student and youth organisations demand: The livelihood of burnout sufferers must be secured during a sick leave, also without a separate mental health diagnosis
Published:Work-induced burnout and mental health symptoms are becoming so common that they can almost be referred to as chronic conditions that affect public health and the national economy. The recovery and return to working life after a period of burnout is a long and arduous process. Struggles to secure one’s livelihood further complicate the recovery process. We propose a change to the sickness allowance practices which would safeguard one’s livelihood during a sick leave caused by work-induced burnout.
Markus Halonen: Spreading information is an important part of promoting physical activity
Published:Making higher education culture more physically active is a complex goal to achieve, and in order to reach it, we should approach the target group from many different angles. It is, of course, important to remind people about the benefits of exercise and the disadvantages of physical inactivity, but we also need more detailed information when we want to transfer new learning into practice in increasing physical activity. In August 2020, the project Tikissä työelämään organised a series of three webinars to examine both the benefits of physical activity and also possible disadvantages from the point of view of e.g. brain health and the new physical activity recommendations.
Opiskelijoiden Liikuntaliitto yhdessä YTHS:n kanssa järjestää Ergonomia etäopiskelussa -webinaarin
Published:Opiskelu on siirtynyt väliaikaisesti koteihin ja näyttöjen taakse. Koronan jälkeenkin on odotettavissa, että korkeakouluissa opiskellaan aiempaa enemmän verkossa. Webinaarissa käsittelemme miten etäopiskelusta saa nautinnollisempaa ja vähemmän jumittavaa!
Students and teachers want less sitting and more movement in education
Published:In their new video, The Finnish Student Sports Federation (OLL) and The Union for University Teachers and Researchers in Finland (YLL) begin the fight for reduced sitting time and more active teaching models. The video Movement drives Achy away shows in a concise way how to tame “Achy” arising from a lack of movement – that is, how moving more can increase energy and lead to better study results.
Read more about article: Students and teachers want less sitting and more movement in education
Liisa Reinola: University students – an easily forgotten group of users
Published:Children and young people’s physical exercise is often discussed, and equal opportunities for them to be active: how certain sports are expensive, but how physical exercise is important for personal development, social relationships and even health. Once this case is somehow fixed, the discussion jumps ahead many decades and focuses on exercise opportunities for the elderly. It is a well-known fact that physical exercise does play a key role in supporting their health and ability to function. So, the opportunity for safe gym training, jogging paths close to home, and guided sports groups for seniors by the city sports services must be provided.
Read more about article: Liisa Reinola: University students – an easily forgotten group of users
Ruotsinkielinen seminaari Liikkuva Korkeakoulusta 27.11.2020
Published:Finlands Svenska Idrotts järjesti Liikkuva opiskelu -aiheisen seminaarin ruotsiksi 27.11.2020. Seminaariin osallistui Opiskelijoiden Liikuntaliiton puolesta vuoden 2020 varapuheenjohtaja Sanna-Maria Ahl. Hän piti siellä esityksen opettajien merkityksesta osana opiskelijoiden matalankynnyksen liikkumista.
Read more about article: Ruotsinkielinen seminaari Liikkuva Korkeakoulusta 27.11.2020
Student sports club, apply for funding to develop your activities
Published:Read more about article: Student sports club, apply for funding to develop your activities
Learning German on your feet – presenting desk-free language teaching
Published:Suvi Kotkavuori is a University instrucktor of French and president of University of Helsinki's Lecturer's Association. In this blog she tells journey to the more moving education by her colleague Tia Patenge. In the blog Suvi has interviewed Tia about her experiences of "deskless teaching" and what this has given for her as a teacher. The sitats of this blogs are Tia Patenge's.
Read more about article: Learning German on your feet – presenting desk-free language teaching
Effects of the coronavirus pandemic on Finnish higher education sports
Published:In the late spring of 2020, the National Sports Council commissioned a report on the situation in the sports sector. The report completely forgot the Finnish higher education sports services. On the basis of the National Sports Council’s questionnaires, the Finnish Student Sports Federation (OLL) carried out its own survey for those working in higher education sports.
Read more about article: Effects of the coronavirus pandemic on Finnish higher education sports
Jussi Ansala: Municipal elections and cycling – the holy trinity for commuters and students: bicycle, route and a wholly reliable lock
Published:In June, the Board OLL, the Finnish Student Sports Federation, decided on the federation's goals for the 2021 municipal elections. The decisions are based on statements by member organisations. The first goal, or rather the solution, is this: the conditions for cycling must be improved and city bike networks expanded – cycling is a great form of everyday exercise for all residents of a municipality, including students. In this blog post, I will address the municipal election theme mainly on the basis of my personal experiences in the saddle.
Tuire Ranta-Meyer: The playing human has the courage to move in the higher education
Published:In this blog post, I discuss whether universities of applied sciences can have imaginative leaders and “masters of madness”, as in Little’s office. Could a creative idea that seems a little crazy today be a driving force for the development of tomorrow? Are there any aspects of higher education sports where students do not need to be full of athletic power in order to exercise on their own terms, take part in and enjoy physical activity one step – or, say, one wrist rotation at a time?
Sweden won the Finland-Sweden well-being match, says Firstbeat Lifestyle Assessment
Published:This spring, OLL and our Swedish counterpart SAIF (Sverige’s Akademiska Idrottsförbund) jointly surveyed the overall well-being of students using Firstbeat Lifestyle Assessment.
Sanna-Maria Ahl: Municipal elections – matters concerning you
Published:Municipal elections, the lesser-known cousin of parliamentary elections. You've probably heard about them? Have you voted in them? Or haven’t you voted because you already went to the polls in those “real” elections?
Read more about article: Sanna-Maria Ahl: Municipal elections – matters concerning you
Students created addictive exercise-based games in Tampere
Published:Read more about article: Students created addictive exercise-based games in Tampere
OLL is working to promote exercise in higher education through values and acceptance
Published:Many of us feel guilt and other negative feelings because we do not exercise enough. Increasing the amount of exercise is a major lifestyle change, and it can feel like a constant battle against ourselves and the circumstances. A frustrating internal battle makes exercise even less tempting. This is not how it should be!
Ministry of education and culture grants 215,000 euros for the development of sports in higher education
Published:The Ministry of Education and Culture has granted a total of 215,000 euros to six different projects with the aim to develop sports in higher education. The annual national development grant for an active lifestyle was awarded to the Finnish Student Sports Federation (OLL), the University of Vaasa, and the universities of applied sciences in Kajaani, Lahti, Seinäjoki and Satakunta. The projects of the higher education institutions include activities which aim to start sports services, create a more active operating culture, and reach students who do not get enough exercise.
Page last updated 30.8.2020