Articles with tag: Opiskelijaurheilu
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A record number of medals and many happy athletes at the EUG
Published:During the last two weeks of July, the Polish city of Lodz was filled with university athletes. The European Universities Games saw nearly 6,000 athletes compete in twenty different sports. Finnish universities were represented by a team of 62 athletes in eight different sports.
Read more about article: A record number of medals and many happy athletes at the EUG
Finland is sending a very interesting team to the EC in Poland
Published:Finland is sending 64 athletes to European Universities Games to Poland.
Read more about article: Finland is sending a very interesting team to the EC in Poland
SELL Students Games in Riga 20–22.5 – there’s still time to join the most laid-back student sports event of the year!
Published:After a two-year Covid-break, the most fun student exercise and sports event of the year, SELL Student Games, will take place in Riga in Latvia on the 20–22 May. These Games have no level requirements, so anyone can take part!
Page last updated 30.8.2020