Articles with tag: Stakeholders
On this page you will find all our published news stories, statements, press releases and blog posts in one place. You can use the categories below to filter the results. You can also search for articles on a specific topic. The topics are marked with a #-symbol in each article.
The strategy funding for sports is a big lobbying victory – and the start of a new phase of advocacy work
Published:The 2025–2028 agreement period is the first time that sports are included in the university funding model. OLL’s Head of Communications Niko Peltokangas writes about what this lobbying victory means for the future advocacy work within university sports.
The Finnish Student Sports Federation’s new membership model makes headway: a service design project leads to concrete results
Published:The organised university sports in Finland are stepping into its second century with one word in mind: together. To achieve truly impactful collaboration, the Federation will now invite universities to become ordinary members alongside the student unions. The background to this change lies in the membership model report which was drawn up in 2021–2022.
We are looking for a student representative to FISU Volunteer Leaders Academy
Published:The International Student Sports Federation FISU is looking for new national representatives for FISU Volunteer Leaders Academy for the year 2024. The aim of the academy is to offer students an international opportunity to develop as leaders and to promote student sports both in Finland and internationally.
University heads responded to the challenge – OLL President to Yle: “Routines for physical activity are already formed during the years of study”
Published:OLL challenged the heads of universities and universities of applied sciences to think about how the physical activity of higher-education students could be increased and how students could be encouraged to adopt a physically active lifestyle during their studies. University heads across Finland took up on the challenge presented as part of the European Week of Sport.
Finnish Student Sports Federation to clarify its strategy – strives to engage the entire higher education community in increasing students’ level of physical activity
Published:What if higher education institutions became full members of the Finnish Student Sports Federation? President Emilia Junnila and Secretary General Niko Peltokangas prepared a draft strategy for this major reform.
Guidebook to OLL’s events: How to weave your way through the jungle of training sessions and networks
Published:From time to time, our members ask us to explain the Federation’s various events, and quite right too! You may be getting invitations to all kinds of networks and events for university sports, all with slightly different names, target audiences and approaches. After reading this, you will know exactly which of them will be the most beneficial to you.
Korkeakoulujen liikuntatoimien verkosto kokoontui Tampereella
Published:Opiskelijoiden liikuntaliiton ylläpitämä korkeakoulujen liikuntatoimien verkosto kokoontui toistamiseen tänä vuonna. Tampereella 22.–23. marraskuuta järjestetyn verkostotapaamisen keskeisenä teemana oli liikuntatoimien viestintä sekä paikallisesti että valtakunnallisesti.
Read more about article: Korkeakoulujen liikuntatoimien verkosto kokoontui Tampereella
Higher Education on the Move News: Collaboration Makes Wellbeing Easier
Published:Read the latest news from the Higher Education on the Move network!
Read more about article: Higher Education on the Move News: Collaboration Makes Wellbeing Easier
The pilot episode of the Opiskelijaliike podcast debates the future of national advocacy work
Published:This is the Opiskelijaliike podcast, where we will be looking into the future of university sports! On our pilot episode we had a visit from Siiri Turunen from the Student Union of the University of Turku (TYY) and interviewed Tytti Saarinen, chair of Badminton Finland.
Opiskelijoiden Liikuntaliitto yhtyy vaatimukseen Olympiakomitean ylimääräisestä yhdistyksen kokouksesta
Published:Opiskelijoiden Liikuntaliitto (OLL) kannattaa Sulkapalloliiton vaatimusta Olympiakomitean ylimääräisen yhdistyksen kokouksen koollekutsumisesta. Liikuntayhteisön kannattaa luoda tilaa keskustelulle ja päätöksille, jotka edistävät yhdenvertaisuuden toteutumista Olympiakomitean toiminnassa.
Applications open for FISU Volunteer Leaders Academy
Published:The International Student Sports Federation FISU is looking for new national representatives for FISU Volunteer Leaders Academy for the year 2022. The aim of the academy is to offer students an international opportunity to develop as leaders and to promote student sports both in Finland and internationally.
Read more about article: Applications open for FISU Volunteer Leaders Academy
The higher education community of the Helsinki metropolitan area gets together: EveryMoveCounts-campaign starts!
Published:The well-being of higher education students has been put to the test during the occurring pandemic. The goal of the EveryMoveCounts-campaign is to increase the students’ awareness of the benefits of daily movement for their well-being. The campaign aims to especially reach sedentary students who aren’t particularly interested in sports and exercise.
High-performance sports and Higher Education on the Move cooperation in the early autumn webinars
Published:Autumn brings with it interesting webinars on university sports!
The student and youth organisations demand: The livelihood of burnout sufferers must be secured during a sick leave, also without a separate mental health diagnosis
Published:Work-induced burnout and mental health symptoms are becoming so common that they can almost be referred to as chronic conditions that affect public health and the national economy. The recovery and return to working life after a period of burnout is a long and arduous process. Struggles to secure one’s livelihood further complicate the recovery process. We propose a change to the sickness allowance practices which would safeguard one’s livelihood during a sick leave caused by work-induced burnout.
Joint municipal election campaign by student organisations: we make a better student city together
Published:The student organisations’ joint municipal election campaign wants to encourage students to vote and increase the awareness of international students’ right to vote.
Ruotsinkielinen seminaari Liikkuva Korkeakoulusta 27.11.2020
Published:Finlands Svenska Idrotts järjesti Liikkuva opiskelu -aiheisen seminaarin ruotsiksi 27.11.2020. Seminaariin osallistui Opiskelijoiden Liikuntaliiton puolesta vuoden 2020 varapuheenjohtaja Sanna-Maria Ahl. Hän piti siellä esityksen opettajien merkityksesta osana opiskelijoiden matalankynnyksen liikkumista.
Read more about article: Ruotsinkielinen seminaari Liikkuva Korkeakoulusta 27.11.2020
Parkour and ultimate offered to higher education institutions!
Published:The project Parkouria ja ultimatea opiskelijoille (Parkour and ultimate for students) supports increasing physical activity and exercise among students through these sports. With the help of the project, we are able to offer sports try-outs to higher education institutions at a reasonable price using, if possible, the facilities of the educational institution or nearby facilities. Sports try-outs can be carried out very flexibly, for example, as part of events and exercise sessions. Sports try-outs can also be offered as sports courses.
Read more about article: Parkour and ultimate offered to higher education institutions!
Esitämme Harri Nurmea Allianssin hallitukseen
Published:Opiskelijoiden Liikuntaliitto (OLL) esittää pitkäaikaista nuorisoalan toimijaa Harri Nurmea nuorisoalan kattojärjestön Allianssin hallitukseen. Nurmi toimi OLL:n varapuheenjohtajana vuonna 2019.
Read more about article: Esitämme Harri Nurmea Allianssin hallitukseen
Learning German on your feet – presenting desk-free language teaching
Published:Suvi Kotkavuori is a University instrucktor of French and president of University of Helsinki's Lecturer's Association. In this blog she tells journey to the more moving education by her colleague Tia Patenge. In the blog Suvi has interviewed Tia about her experiences of "deskless teaching" and what this has given for her as a teacher. The sitats of this blogs are Tia Patenge's.
Read more about article: Learning German on your feet – presenting desk-free language teaching
Effects of the coronavirus pandemic on Finnish higher education sports
Published:In the late spring of 2020, the National Sports Council commissioned a report on the situation in the sports sector. The report completely forgot the Finnish higher education sports services. On the basis of the National Sports Council’s questionnaires, the Finnish Student Sports Federation (OLL) carried out its own survey for those working in higher education sports.
Read more about article: Effects of the coronavirus pandemic on Finnish higher education sports
Tuire Ranta-Meyer: The playing human has the courage to move in the higher education
Published:In this blog post, I discuss whether universities of applied sciences can have imaginative leaders and “masters of madness”, as in Little’s office. Could a creative idea that seems a little crazy today be a driving force for the development of tomorrow? Are there any aspects of higher education sports where students do not need to be full of athletic power in order to exercise on their own terms, take part in and enjoy physical activity one step – or, say, one wrist rotation at a time?
Page last updated 30.8.2020