Articles with tag: Equality
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A challenge from FISU Forum to improve equality in student sports
Published:The major international student sports event FISU World Forum took place in Zagreb, Croatia at the end of August. Finland and the Finnish Student Sports Federation were represented at the event by student of health promotion and FISU Student Ambassador Tia Saharinen and the OLL’s Head of Communications Niko Peltokangas.
Read more about article: A challenge from FISU Forum to improve equality in student sports
The Exercise Day of Your Dreams: exercise is for everyone
Published:Physical activity has an indisputable positive impact on mental health, and all students should be able to benefit from this regardless of their background or abilities, according to human rights activist Selinä Nera and Tommi Yläkangas, Influencing Specialist at Nyyti ry. The university sector is currently offering a wide variety of sports services for students, but is exercise for everyone if all students don’t have equal access to these activities?
Read more about article: The Exercise Day of Your Dreams: exercise is for everyone
OLL alumni: “During my term as chair, policies were established that still affect students sports”
Published:The Finnish Student Sports Federation (OLL) addressed lack of exercise and equality and experienced changes in the membership model already in 2014 when Hanna Huumonen was the chair. Although Huumonen had some obstacles to negotiate as a women in the international sports scene, she wouldn’t change her OLL experience for anything.
Changing the world is a team sport – the Finnish Student Sports Federation is helping to improve the position of girls in sports
Published:Disturbing body-related comments, taking photos and videos without permission, harassment and advances. Rape attempt during travel to competition. These experiences by university sports are examples of gender harassment.
Gender minorities' experience of university sports leave room for improvement
Published:What kind of experiences do LGBTQIA+ people have of university sports? How could we improve the experiences of gender minorities? In this article, Finnish Student Sports Federation’s Secretary General Niko Peltokangas takes a look into the results of the Student Barometer 2022 survey from a minority sports perspective.
The Finnish Student Sports Federation is taking part in building a just transition
Published:Few things create so much good in society as the sports sector. And yet its importance is only acknowledged as an aside. A huge amount of expertise in everything from sports facilities to events and from activity-based work to nutrition often remains unutilised. This means that the sports sector walks humbly in the shadows, but there is a great deal of strength to be found in the shadows and asides. A strength which can be used for the good of the environment.
Markku Rantahalvari: Boycott sporting events the right way!
Published:What’s the right thing to do when a country that grossly violates human rights organises and hosts sporting events by questionable means? Our events and education specialist Markku has a few tips for you!
Read more about article: Markku Rantahalvari: Boycott sporting events the right way!
Joko puhutaan liikkumisesta? Opiskelijoiden Liikuntaliitto vaatii vaalitavoitteissaan konkreettisia toimia liikunnan edistämiseksi
Published:Mikä toimiala on 1) miljardien arvoinen, 2) kaikkien poliitikkojen suosiossa ja 3) lähes näkymätön vaalikeskusteluissa? Kyse on liikkumisen ja liikunnan edistämisestä. Opiskelijoiden Liikuntaliiton (OLL) kunnianhimoisena tavoitteena onkin tuoda korkeakoululiikunta kevään eduskuntavaalikeskusteluihin.
Opiskelijoiden Liikuntaliitto yhtyy vaatimukseen Olympiakomitean ylimääräisestä yhdistyksen kokouksesta
Published:Opiskelijoiden Liikuntaliitto (OLL) kannattaa Sulkapalloliiton vaatimusta Olympiakomitean ylimääräisen yhdistyksen kokouksen koollekutsumisesta. Liikuntayhteisön kannattaa luoda tilaa keskustelulle ja päätöksille, jotka edistävät yhdenvertaisuuden toteutumista Olympiakomitean toiminnassa.
Opiskelijoiden Liikuntaliitto yhdessä YTHS:n kanssa järjestää Ergonomia etäopiskelussa -webinaarin
Published:Opiskelu on siirtynyt väliaikaisesti koteihin ja näyttöjen taakse. Koronan jälkeenkin on odotettavissa, että korkeakouluissa opiskellaan aiempaa enemmän verkossa. Webinaarissa käsittelemme miten etäopiskelusta saa nautinnollisempaa ja vähemmän jumittavaa!
Page last updated 30.8.2020