The first remote General Assembly of the Finnish Student Sports Federation will be held on 18–19 November 2020

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This year, the General Assembly of the Finnish Student Sports Federation (OLL) will be held remotely for the first time. At the General Assembly on 18–19 November, the higher education students will outline OLL’s future activities and elect the President and Board for the Federation for next year.

The OLL General Assembly starts on Wednesday 18 November at 10 a.m. We will discuss the Budget and the Plan of Work for 2021 and update OLL’s Strategy for 2021–2023 during the two-day General Assembly. We will also award the OLL Trophy and the Flame of the Year prize to operators who have promoted student sports this year.

OLL alumnus Hilkka Pöyhönen, Head of Faculty Administration at Unisport, will hold the keynote speech at the General Assembly. The keynote speech will be held on the first day of the General Assembly immediately after the opening of the meeting.

The media can watch a live stream of the OLL General Assembly online. The links to the streams will be published on the General Assembly website at the start of the first and second days of the meeting. The elections will take place on Thursday, and we will also inform the media about the results after the elections.

The General Assembly documents, schedule and other information about the meeting have been published on the General Assembly website (in Finnish and Swedish). We will use the hashtag #OLLliko on social media.

The Finnish Student Sports Federation (OLL) represents approximately 150,000 higher education students in Finland. OLL’s member organisations include nine student unions (AYY, HYY, ISYY, JYY, LTKY, SHS, TREY, TYY, VYY), fifteen student associations (ASK, Helga, HUMAKO, HAMKO, JAMKO, KAMO, LAMKO, Laureamko, METKA, O’Diako, Polamk, SAMMAKKO, SAVOTTA, SAMO, Tamko), Kadettitoverikunta (the student association for cadets) and Tahkon Talli, the student association of the Sport Institute of Finland. In addition, OLL has five cooperation members: Sykettä sports services for higher education institutions in Eastern Finland, Academic Sports of Jyväskylä, LAMK Sports, Campus Sport in Turku and Unisport in the Helsinki region.

The Finnish Student Sports Federation (OLL)

Twitter and Instagram: @liikuntaliitto

Facebook and Facebook event: Opiskelijoiden Liikuntaliitto - OLL

General Assembly website

For more information:

Secretary General Ida Bolander,, tel. +358 44 780 0210

OLL President Antti Pentikäinen,, tel. +358 44 780 0211

Communications Specialist Niko Peltokangas,, tel. +358 46 921 1215

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