The OLL Board divided areas of responsibilities and is heading towards municipal elections

The Board of the Finnish Student Sports Federation (OLL) for 2021 held their constitutive meeting and divided areas of responsibilities among themselves. The Board also decided on the respective sponsored student unions (list below).

President Julia Tuuri is responsible for international relations, stakeholder activities, administration and finance. Vice-President Essi Lumme is responsible for communication and lobbying (municipal elections and advocacy work).

Vice-President Jorma Alastalo is responsible for education and events, finance and lobbying (Higher Education on the Move and FSHS). Board member Anna Salo is responsible for the Network of Academic Sports Services.

According to president Tuuri, OLL will offer sports solutions during the municipal elections in the spring that will benefit the whole community. There are three key solutions in the municipal election program.

"For example, we propose that outdoor sports facilities must be built adjacent to campus areas and student housing to serve both students and nearby residents", says Tuuri.

“As distance conditions continue, it is important to pay attention to everyday exercise as well. The election will affect, among other things, cycling conditions – cycling is great exercise for all residents, including students”, the president continues.

OLL wants to make sports and preventative health promotion as a strategic focus for the municipalities. The municipal election program is available on OLL's website.

Contact information

President Julia Tuuri (international relations, stakeholder activities, administration and finance), +358 44 780 0211,

1st Vice-President Essi Lumme (communication and lobbying [municipal elections, advocacy work, policy paper]), +358 44 780 0216,

2nd Vice-President Jorma Alastalo (education and events, finance and lobbying [Higher Education on the Move and FSHS]), +358 44 780 0215,

Board Member Anna Salo (Network of Academic Sports Services),

Sponsored student unions

Julia Tuuri: AYY, ASK, HYY, SHS, METKA, Helga, HUMAKO, Lauremako, O’Diako

Essi Lumme: ISYY, JAMKO, JYY, KAMO, KOE, LTKY, SAVOTTA, Tahkon Talli

Jorma Alastalo: Polamk, TREY, TYY, SAMMAKKO, SAMO, VYY, Hamko, Kadettitoverikunta

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