The OLL Board for 2020 held their constitutive meeting

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The Board of the Finnish Student Sports Federation (OLL) for 2020 held their constitutive meeting and divided areas of responsibilities among themselves.

The Board also decided on the respective sponsored student unions. The OLL President and Vice-Presidents are appointed sponsored student unions, for whom they serve as a sort of godparent. Please feel free to contact your sponsor in the OLL Board with whatever is on your mind.

The newly elected Board will introduce themselves on OLL’s Instagram account on 20–24 January 2020.

Contact information and areas of responsibilities

Antti Pentikäinen: President, international affairs and sports policy, tel. +358 44 780 0211,

Nita Vallimäki: First Vice-President, communications, sports tutoring, and services and events, tel. +358 44 780 0215,

Sanna-Maria Ahl: Second Vice-President, sports policy and equality, tel. +358 44 780 0216,

Liisa Reinola: Board Member (representative of the University Sports Services),

Ilona Raimas: Board Member,

Sponsored student unions

Antti Pentikäinen: AYY, HAMKO, HYY, Kadettitoverikunta, Polamk, SKY, TREY, TYY.

Nita Vallimäki: Helga, HUMAKO, Laureamko, LYY, O’Diako, SAMMAKKO, SAMO, SHS, VYY.

Sanna-Maria Ahl: ASK, ISYY, JAMKO, JYY, KAMO, KOE, LTKY, METKA, SAVOTTA, Tahkon Talli.

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