The OLL General Assembly in Jyväskylä brings together the people active in the student sports and exercise sector on 20–21 November 2019

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Representatives of student unions and associations across Finland will convene to decide on the future of student sports at the General Assembly of The Finnish Student Sports Federation (OLL) held at the University of Jyväskylä on 20–21 November 2019. The General Assembly defines what kind of operations and advocacy work will be conducted to promote the physical activity of students especially next year. The General Assembly also elects the OLL President and Board for the next year.

The OLL General Assembly starts on Wednesday, 20 November, at 11:00 a.m. We will go through the budget and the Plan of Work for 2020 during the two-day General Assembly. We will also hand out the OLL Trophy and the Flame of the Year (Vuoden Liekehtijä) prize for operators who have actively promoted student sports in 2019.

Research Coordinator Jouni Kallio from the LIKES Research Centre will hold the keynote speech at the General Assembly. The keynote speech will be held on the first day of the General Assembly at approximately 11:05 a.m.

The Finnish Student Sports Federation (OLL) represents nearly 160,000 higher education students in Finland. OLL’s member organisations include eleven student unions (AYY, HYY, ISYY, JYY, LTKY, LYY, SHS, SKY, TREY, TYY, VYY), fifteen student associations (ASK, Helga, HUMAKO, HAMKO, JAMKO, KAMO, LAMKO, Laureamko, METKA, O’Diako, Polamk, SAMMAKKO, SAVOTTA, SAMO, Tamko), Kadettitoverikunta (student association for cadets) and Tahkon Talli (student association of the Sport Institute of Finland). In addition, OLL has five cooperation members: The Sykettä sports services for higher education institutions in Eastern Finland, Academic Sports of Jyväskylä, LAMK Sports, Campus Sport in Turku, and Unisport in the Helsinki Capital Region.

The media is warmly welcome to follow the General Assembly on Wednesday and Thursday. The elections will take place on Thursday. We will inform the media of the election results after the elections. You can also follow the General Assembly via the official live stream. The links to the streams will be published in the General Assembly’s Facebook event and on Twitter at the start of the first and second days of the General Assembly.

The General Assembly documents and other information on the General Assembly have been published on the OLL website (in Finnish and Swedish).

The hashtag on social media for the General Assembly is #OLLliko.

Twitter and Instagram: @liikuntaliitto

Facebook and Facebook event: Opiskelijoiden Liikuntaliitto – OLL

General Assembly website (in Finnish and Swedish)

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