Universities on the Move gets stronger – MoE gives OLL a significant grant for further development of Universities on the Move
The Ministry of Education and Culture (MoE) is giving Universities on the Move, which is coordinated by the Finnish Student Sports Federation (OLL), a grant of 90,000 euros for the first year. The project will last three years. The focus lies on finding new solutions which increase the physical everyday activity at universities and to implement these in practice with the university communities.

OLL launched Universities on the Move in 2020, and from the start it has been carried out in collaboration with the university communities. The purpose of Universities on the Move is to establish the Students on the Move programme at university level. The aim is to increase students’ wellbeing and access to exercise by making the university environment and culture more positive towards physical activity, both in terms of sports and everyday physical activity with a low threshold. It’s important to increase the amount of everyday physical activity, because even vigorous exercise in our spare time isn’t enough to compensate for all the hours of sitting we do during the day. According to the 2021 Finnish Student Health and Wellbeing Survey (KOTT), 68.1 percent of university students sit for more than 10 hours a day. In addition, more than half of university students don’t get enough exercise in terms of their health.
“The Universities on the Move community has been working hard to promote an active university culture. Much has been achieved, but according to student surveys and research there is still a lot to do,” says OLL’s Special Advisor for University Sport Anni Liina Ikonen.
In practice, the work is carried out by creating training and a data bank, and by coordinating interactive networks, for example. OLL has also build a Universities on the Move scorecard in collaboration with the Students on the Move programme, LIKES by Jamk and the Research Foundation for Studies and Education Otus. The scorecard is used by university sports services, student unions and other stakeholders in order to promote university sports.
Universities on the Move projects are currently being carried out at Aalto University, the University of Helsinki, Humak University of Applied Sciences, the Air Force Academy, Jyväskylä University of Applied Sciences and the University of Jyväskylä, Metropolia University of Applied Sciences, Hanken School of Economics and the University of the Arts. Other universities are also carrying out Universities on the Move extensively as part of the general work of the university sports services.
“It has been amazing to see how university sports services all over Finland have started promoting Universities on the Move in their own areas. The funding from the MoE will guarantee that the fruitful work of the whole field can continue and promote equality between the students at different universities,” Ikonen says.
More information
Anni Liina Ikonen
Special Advisor for University Sport
The Finnish Student Sports Federation
anniliina.ikonen@oll.fi / +358 44 780 0219
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