Join us in developing competitive activities for students!

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The Finnish Student Sports Federation (OLL) is setting up a competition committee to develop competitive activities in institutes of higher education.

Studies have shown that competition is a motivating factor in doing sports. Students in Finnish universities include a large group of athletes of different levels, whether active, retired or something in between, as well as other physically active people who are interested in competing. Academic sports services and students organise competitive activities for them locally, whereas OLL is in charge of arranging national student championships and coordinating student participation in international competitions.

Why this?

The purpose of the committee is to develop competitive activities at local and national level, share best practices as well as increase collaboration and address other matters related to competitive sports.

For whom?

The committee is open to everyone who is interested in the development of competitive activities for university students and is a member of OLL’s member organisations (student unions and cooperation members), as well as associated organisations and clubs.

How, where and when?

The committee will mainly meet remotely. Meetings will be held two or three times a year and at other times as necessary.

The structure of the committee’s activities will be kept straightforward. A member of OLL’s office staff will arrange organise each meeting, compile the agendas and chair the meeting as necessary. The committee can make proposals to OLL’s board and the committee made up of members of the Network of Academic Sports Services.

How to get involved

Contact events and training specialist Markku Rantahalvari ( or +358 44 780 0217) by 10th of November.

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