Promoting equality is part of all operations at OLL
The promotion of equality is present in all areas of our operations. OLL’s operations are guided by an extensive equality plan, which was updated this year. The updated plan was approved at the General Assembly held on 2–3 November in Vuokatti. The plan opens up the concepts of equality and OLL's actions in promoting equality. In addition, the plan highlights OLL's role a feminist and anti-racist organisation.

The foundations of OLL's work for equality are divided into two documents that guide the union's operations: the sports policy policy paper and the equality plan. The policy paper discusses the goals that OLL promotes through its influence work in society, so that all students have equal opportunities to take care of their own well-being and exercise. In addition to these goals, OLL's operations have goals for promoting equality, which are listed in the federation's equality plan.
The goal of the updated equality plan is to open the doors to OLL’s activities for everyone interested in them. Along with the update, the plan emphasizes OLL as the guardian of the interests of all university students in Finland.
We should strive to make it possible to participate in OLL’s activities without threshold throughout the country. We are developing participation in the federation's activities as well as organizing events in different locations in the entire country, without forgetting the use of remote connections. In addition to geographical coverage, trilingualism and accessibility must be taken into account in the federation's communications, so that we can truly reach the representatives of our member organizations in the future as well.
However, in order to promote equality, it is not enough just to have beautiful goals in the document, but you also need to know how to use them in the planning of activities. In the same way that we plan our operations by reflecting them in the strategy, we must also consider our operations in the near future from the perspective of the goals of the equality plan. Fortunately, OLL already has a good foundation to secure this. Several times a year, we are bound to recall the goals of the plan in a structured manner.
You can read the updated equality plan here. Unoftunately the documents that guide OLL’s operations are ate the moment mainly available in OLL’s statutory languages, i.e. in Finnish and Swedish.
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Page last updated 14.12.2022