Advocacy achievements
The Finnish Student Sports Federation aims to develop its advocacy work with a long-term perspective. On this page we have compiled our main achievements and results as well as milestones in university sports advocacy work and sports policy from the past two decades.
2024 Liikuntaan kohdennetaan korkeakoulujen strategiarahoitusta
Opetus- ja kulttuuriministeriö solmii korkeakoulujen kanssa sopimukset kaudelle 2025–2028. Yliopistojen ja ammattikorkeakoulujen strategioiden toimeenpanoa tuetaan strategiarahoituksella, josta osa kohdennetaan korkeakouluyhteisöjen hyvinvointia ja liikunnallisuutta tukeviin toimiin. Korkeakoulun saaman rahoituksen korvamerkitseminen liikuntaan on liiton pitkäaikainen vaikuttamistavoite.
2023 Hallituksen Suomi liikkeelle -ohjelmaan toimenpiteitä ja rahaa korkeakoululiikunnan kehittämiseen
Liikkuva korkeakoulutoiminta ja opiskelijaliikunnan tilakysymykset huomioidaan hallitusohjelmaan sisältyvässä Suomi liikkeelle -ohjelmassa. Osa ohjelman rahoituksesta (n. miljoona euroa vuodessa) kohdennetaan korkeakoulujen hanketoimintaan, jolla tarjoamme tukea Liikkuva opiskelu -ohjelman kanssa seuraavina vuosina.
2022 Opiskelijabarometri alkaa mitata tyytyväisyyttä korkeakoululiikuntaan
Suunnittelemme Opiskelijoiden tutkimussäätiön Otuksen kanssa Opiskelijabarometri-tutkimukseen kaksi kysymystä, joista toinen selvittää opiskelijoiden tyytyväisyyttä korkeakoulun liikkumismahdollisuuksiin ja toinen kerää ajatuksia niiden kehittämiseksi. Tulosten mukaan liikkumismahdollisuuksiin ollaan yhtä tyytyväisiä kuin niissä on parannettavaa. Opiskelijat kannattavat selvästi liikkumismahdollisuuksien lisäämistä myös opiskeluarjessa ja -ympäristössä.
2021 Riittävästi liikkuvien opiskelijoiden osuus kasvaa KOTT-tutkimuksessa
Terveyden ja hyvinvoinnin laitoksen (THL) Korkeakouluopiskelijoiden terveys- ja hyvinvointitutkimus (KOTT) selvittää, että 46 prosenttia opiskelijoista saavuttaa terveysliikuntasuosituksen. Vuonna 2016 luku oli 34 prosenttia.
Päivittäisen istumisen määrä kuitenkin kasvaa 11 tuntiin, kun vuoden 2016 KOTT-tutkimuksessa oli määrä oli 10 tuntia ja 45 minuuttia. THL julkaisee istumismääristä raportin, jonka kirjoittamiseen osallistumme.
2020 Ministry of Education and Culture supports development of Higher Education on the Move
The Ministry of Education and Culture provides funds to the Finnish Student Sports Federation for the nationwide development of Higher Education on the Move activities. Student unions begin to plan activities at local level, together with higher education institutions.
2019 Government Programme includes expansion of Students on the Move programme to higher education institutions
Finland’s first Report on Sports Policy proposes that the Students on the Move programme, coordinated by the Ministry of Education and Culture and LIKES Research Centre for Physical Activity and Health, be expanded beyond secondary education to include higher education institutions. The proposal is included in the Government Programme (Objective 6)
2018 We publish updated recommendations for university sports
Two new items are added to the Recommendations for University Sports to complement traditional sports services: promotion of physical activity throughout the university environment, and reducing prolonged sedentary periods. Read the Recommendations for University Sports here.
2017 Comprehensive equality entry in the FISU strategy
In response to a proposal by the Finnish Student Sports Federation, an equality entry is made in the new Global Strategy for 2017–2027 by the International University Sports Federation, FISU, to cover all operations of the federation.
2016 Regional cooperation between higher education institutions improved
Higher education institutions within the same city or region have expanded their cooperation on the provision of student sports services. This has resulted in the creation of the following, among others: Syke in Easter Finland, UniSport and Zone in the Helsinki region, university sports in Jyväskylä and SportUni (previously UnipoliSport) in Tampere.
2015 Sports services included in the Decree on universities of applied sciences
The criteria for receiving a university of applied sciences licence will now include offering sports and wellbeing services as part of student services. It is no longer possible to operate as a university of applied sciences without offering sports services.
2014 Sports Manifesto tackles equality issues in exercise and sports
The Finnish Student Sports Federation publishes the Sports Manifesto alongside political student and youth organisations, drawing attention to equality problems in exercise and sports contexts.
2013 Exercise becomes official part of treatment practices of the Finnish Student Health Service
A mini intervention for exercise is accepted as part of the Finnish Student Health Service’s treatment practice.
2012 Ministry of Education and Culture begins to provide grants for sport in higher education
The sports department of the Ministry of Education and Culture makes an important policy decision regarding sports in higher education: the Ministry starts providing direct annual grants for project and development purposes, for implementation of the Recommendations for University Sports in particular.
2010–2011 National recommendations for university sports
In 2010, the Finnish Student Sports Federation proposes to the Ministry of Education and Culture, the Rectors’ Conference of Finnish Universities of Applied Sciences Arene and Universities Finland (UNIFI) that clear recommendations and development guidelines be defined for university sports. A multidisciplinary working group is set up to prepare the matter. The higher education policy department of the Ministry of Education and Culture funds the working group. National Recommendations for University Sports (pdf, in Finnish) are published in February 2011.
2009 University sports are recognised in new laws on universities and universities of applied sciences
Comprehensive changes are made to the laws on universities and universities of applied sciences. The Finnish Student Sports Federation is pushing for an entry about university sports. This does not happen as such, but a mention of the proposal for the provision of sports services is entered in the grounds for the legislation. Parliament also makes a statement requiring the Government to monitor how higher education institutions provide sports services to students.
2008 University sports included in government resolution
Government issues a resolution on sports and nourishment that promotes health. Students' sports and nourishment are included in the resolution.
2007 University sports at the sports policy forum
During a sports policy forum organised by the Finnish Society of Sport Sciences, the Finnish Student Sports Federation publishes its first report on sports opportunities in all higher education institutions. Chancellor Wolfgang Fruhauf of the Austrian Ministry of Education takes part, telling why the provision of sports services has been included in Austrian higher education legislation.
2006 National programme for sport and physical activity extended to higher education
Led by the Ministry of Education, Finland is preparing a comprehensive sports promotion programme under the name of the National programme for sport and physical activity. University sports services are included in the programme as a key element to provide exercise for young adults.
Page last updated 8.11.2024