Meeting register
We want our operations to be as transparent as possible. Naturally, this transparency also concerns the lobbying that we do as part of our advocacy work. We meet with numerous people in positions of influence every year. We also meet with other people in an effort to advance our key objectives.
With the constantly updated meeting register, our member corporations and other stakeholders can stay up-to-date on what kind of advocacy work and networking we are doing to achieve our goals.
Meeting register is maintained in Finnish and you can find it on the Tapaamisrekisteri page.
In the register, you will find all the essential information regarding our meetings with people. We enter the key information of each meeting in the register: who we have met and when. The people we have met with have granted us permission to publish this information.
Do you have questions about the meeting register? In matters related to the meeting register, please contact OLL’s Secretary General. You can find our up-to-date contact details on the Contact information page.
Förbundsarenan: Förbundsforum
Meeting date:Kristiina Teppo
Network meeting for sports services and sports representatives
Meeting date:Kortelainen, Uusi-Illikainen, Spring, Ansala, Peltokangas, Rantahalvari
SELL Games
Meeting date:Ansala, Kortelainen, Peltokangas, Rantahalvari
SELL Games
Meeting date:Ansala, Kortelainen, Peltokangas, Rantahalvari
SELL Games
Meeting date:Ansala, Kortelainen, Peltokangas, Rantahalvari
SELL Games
Meeting date:Ansala, Kortelainen, Peltokangas, Rantahalvari
TREY's board and employees
Meeting date:Viljanen, Uusi-Illikainen
Lunck meeting with SAMOKs president Lauri Kujala
Meeting date:Kortelainen
Service design workshop, Palo Oy
Meeting date:Ansala, Ikonen, Kortelainen, Peltokangas, Rantahalvari, Spring, Teppo, Uusi-Illikainen, Viljanen
Europe Day cocktail event, met JEF representatives, Selinä Nera, SAMOK
Meeting date:Kortelainen
VBL III, met several representatives of the student movement
Meeting date:Kortelainen
VBL II, met several representatives of the student movement
Meeting date:Kortelainen
VBL I, met several representatives of the student movement
Meeting date:Kortelainen
Laurea + Laureamko / project meeting
Meeting date:Ikonen, Kortelainen
Olympic Committees advocacy clinic May 2
Meeting date:Peltokangas
Podcast-äänitykset (Hanna Kosonen, Sari Essayah, Silja Borgarsdóttir Sandelin)
Meeting date:Junnila
Tapaaminen Jukka Tirrin ja Tapio Kallion kanssa FISU-asioista
Meeting date:Junnila, Peltokangas
METKAn fuksiaiset
Meeting date:Kolehmainen, Koskinen
EUSAn tapaaminen solidaarisuudesta Ukrainalle
Meeting date:Junnila, Peltokangas
Keskustan tilaisuus koulutuksesta (tavattu tiede- ja kulttuuriministeri Petri Honkonen)
Meeting date:Junnila
Valtion liikuntahallinto 100+-juhla (tavattu Mika Poutala, kuntaministeri Sirpa Paatero, Eki Karlsson, Ella Junnila)
Meeting date:Junnila
Helgan fuksiaiset
Meeting date:Junnila, Koskinen
Tuotekehityksen koulutuspäivä II
Meeting date:Ansala
Podcast-äänitykset (Marko Asell, Karoliina Kähönen, Kike Elomaa, Sari Multala)
Meeting date:Junnila, Teppo
Tapaaminen SAMOKin sopovastaava Halla Kokkosen kanssa
Meeting date:Junnila
Vasemmistoliiton tilaisuus opiskelijoiden toimeentulosta ja hyvinvoinnista (tavattu opetusministeri Li Andersson, SYL:n hallituksen jäsen Jenny Kasongo)
Meeting date:Junnila
Vaalipaneelin toinen suunnittelupalaveri Olympiakomitean Toni Ahvan kanssa
Meeting date:Junnila, Peltokangas, Teppo
Kummitapaaminen Polamkon kanssa
Meeting date:Ansala, Kolehmainen
SAMOKin Lähtölaukaus II
Meeting date:Kolehmainen, Koskinen
Meeting of executive directors of member organizations of the Olympic Committee, invited by Taina Susiluoto and Teemu Japisson
Meeting date:Niko Peltokangas
Page last updated 9.10.2024