About us

The Finnish Student Sports Federation (OLL), founded in 1924, is a national advocacy and service organization working for the betterment of Finnish student sports. We represent all Finnish higher education students. OLL engages in advocacy work, offers support services and training, does research, and is active in both national and international fields in order to promote student sports

The primary goal of OLL is to ensure that students engage in sufficient physical exercise for their health and well-being. We want a physically active lifestyle to be possible for everyone in the higher education community. We promote the well-being and sports culture of higher education students by being the most prominent voice and expert in higher education and student sports. Our work supports all students regardless of the type of sport or exercise.

Student unions and student associations are full members of OLL. Cooperation members may include national, regional and local actors in the sports, health and student sectors.

OLL in numbers

What does our funding consist of?

Our funding consists mainly of the general subsidy for organizations promoting exercise granted by the Ministry of Education and Culture (OKM). In addition, we receive a project subsidy for promoting an exercise-oriented lifestyle granted by OKM. The rest of our funding consists of membership fees paid by the member communities and participation fees for the events we organize.

Our organizational chart

Ultimate decision-making power in our federation is exercised by its members. Read more about our member communities on our Members page.

The main channel of influence in our federation is the general assembly held in the autumn. You can find all useful information about the general assembly on our General assembly page.

A board elected by the general assembly, a general secretary working for the board and other employees are responsible for day-to-day activities. The size of the board and number of employees vary year by year. You can see our current line-up on our Contact information page.

The board and employees operate workgroups that representatives of member organizations may also participate in. The board and employees also maintain contact with stakeholders. Read more about the federation’s operating environment on Our activities page.